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There were cases upon cases, farther than I could see or ever travel, and each case containing more books than I could have counted in a day. Volumes upon volumes and as I touched each cover I passed, a longing I had never known or could explain fulfilled me, and I stopped to learn what each of the paper worlds had to tell me. - Transcript of Koichi the Knowledgable   Often described as a young woman clothed in a pure white robe, Xeris is rumored to an endless library consisting of every act ever preformed, every word ever spoken and every idea ever thought of, if only you were diligent to seek it. She often thought to be slightly cold, although not unkind. Rather she is a straightforward being, more concerned in the expression and spreading of knowledge rather than compassion or understanding.   As such, she is often a friend to those who study diligently and yet follow the ways of the deities. Several wizards turn to her for guidance and luck in their studies and practices.

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