Church of Zovilla

This religion is worshiped predominantly in the First Amospian Empire and areas closely associated with it. Zovilla was the creator goddess, the concentration of light at the beginning of the universe which collected into a pure entity. Zovilla created all of the other gods, in order to secure more followers against the Void Gods in the eternal struggle.

Mythology & Lore

Zovilla found ancient fragments of light, not gathered at the beginning of the universe, and merged it with a portion of shadow and from this created a race of gods with a vast array of power. These gods act as commanders over her armies and recruit soldiers. Pantheons from the race of gods rule over mortal races and raise the spirits of their followers sending many of the greatest heroes to join Zovilla's angelic legions and stem the demonic threat.

Divine Origins

The origin of the Church of Zovilla follows closely with the creation of the first Narmen. Although worship took different forms through the millennia, the basic principle of following in Zovilla's godly footsteps remains.

Cosmological Views

In the beginning the multiverse was a fairly even spread of light and dark forming, a grey so to speak, across its vast distance. The light, however, clung to itself slowly pulling together into a single mass. As it did so the darkness was forced together though it repelled itself. This created a frothing mass known as The Heart of Darkness. From it was born many beings created of pieces forced into solidity held together only by their bedrock skin. The light however quickly formed into a single, radiant being. This being became known as the goddess Zovilla who sought to spread life and creation while her shadow sowed death and destruction. The beings born of the of the dark heart became known as the Void Gods. She formed barriers on the sides of the planes from the skins of the fallen Void Gods which they had difficulty penetrating then cast a spell to further prevent their access. There was one plane which sat in the very center held by a cosmic balancing act between the Heart and Zovilla. This plane required a barrier on only its lower side due to its central nature. Here became the line between the darkness and light. Zovilla then created races to inhabit her worlds. She created three races. The Andina in 1:1 and the Narmen and Knom in 0:0. She cultivated the Narmen into powerful warriors to beat back back the void and mostly ignored the progress of the others.
Founding Date
Religious, Organised Religion
Parent Organization
Permeated Organizations

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