
Weralt (WIP) is by far the largest continent on the surface of Amospia. Home to the Great Narman Empire in ages past, it is considered the oldest landmass by Narmans and Scholars of other empires. Countless nations and peoples have arisen from the dust and faded into obscurity over the millennia, while some have endured or survived the onslaught of time to keep their traditions alive. The climate of Weralt varies widely, but largely consists of warmer biomes in most places.  
"It is truly the oldest and the boldest collection of landmass, the jewel of Amospia by a long shot." -Harbrook Tokenhill, famous Bard


The landscape of Weralt is populated mostly by dune-filled deserts of shifting sands, dark temperate forests, and tall cliff-ridden mountain ranges. Less common climates exist, such as savannah regions in between the more temperate forested plains and the deserts, taiga regions situated largely in the south-east, and swamps in the lowlands. The peaks of Weralt are a stoic and majestic sight, which is part of the reason many Dwarves call them home. There are even rumors of Darklands hiding miles under the surface, filled with wretched creatures and evil races.

Fauna & Flora

The vast majority of every animal on record has been found in Weralt, from the most mythical to the most mundane.

Natural Resources

In terms of the whole world, Weralt does not have so much variation from the norm in terms of materials. However, larger cores of Adamantite have been found there, left over from cosmic (Or even divine) collisions. Various precious gems, aside from diamonds, are a bit more rare in Weralt. Most notably, there remains no recorded discovery of jade on the continent.
Included Locations

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