Majorn Li Character in Anareta : Chronicles of the Stream | World Anvil

Majorn Li

Race Mewei
Faction Cult of the Arch-Code
Age 37
Alignment Neutral / Evil
Classes & Levels
Majorn Li is a Mewei doctor and scientist hailing from a small village on Nufano. She has been described as a cold and stubborn person with an almost clinical demeanour, yet also praised as a brilliant and forward-thinking physician. Her hulking body belies her uncanny precision during medical procedures.It is not known how she became a Rectifier, though it is most likely that, as a spellweaver training to become a Matriarch, she stumbled upon the Circle and became fascinated with their experiments on tissue and cyber-augmentation.   Majorn is known for several high-profile scandals and her string of dramatic resignations from various medical boards. Having graduated at Raithwall Academy, her thesis was on rehabiliation of substance abusers through regulatory cyberaugmentation. As several medications already exist to combat this problem and many Mewei considered her implants to fall under the maltech category, her thesis was criticized, and she found many doors on Nufano shut. Dejected and disappointed, she left Nufano, officially to research the emerging syndrome known as Psionic Metadisease.   She moved orbits and joined several lab companies on Hakaria, ultimately working for Hexo-Geni, Inc in the 141st Cycle, initially to speadhead an attempt by the company to open a rehab centre using her patented technology on Radiance Station. Briefly, she became head of Cyber-Augmentation in the 143rd Cycle; however, a severe data breach later that cycle led to her sudden resignation. The security hole was patched, but Majorn Li kept a record of the data on a private hard drive.   Fearing lawsuits or reprisals in Coalition space, she left for pastures unknown. Rumours are that she has become, somehow, the leader of the Cult of the Arch-Code, operating behind the mokiner 'the Spider-Queen'.


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