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Carentan Forest

Carentan is a sprawling, ancient forest with few roads and fewer towns. Still ruled by descendants of the treants who once governed all of Ter'esreal.

The trees are ancient and enormous in the forest, the ferns in the undergrowth hiding things unseen from the narrow dirt path that winds it way through Carentan north from Rhean. The primeval wood hides wild tribes of fey and ausrani, and a staggering variety of caisheni. It is said the druid Caishen’s Triumph performed his experiments within Carentan. Just as often, the forest hides monsters and other predators eager to hunt unwary travelers.    ...After weeks of travel the path from Rhean leads to Belsharrah, one of the only towns of any size in the Carentan Forest. The outskirts of Belsharrah are alive with the tiny treehouses of pixie, sylph, and nixie clans. Talking animals approach from the wood offering food for sale, or hoping to make a darker bargain. The narrow dirt path widens as the town itself approaches, expanding to the size of a cozy, respectable street. The buildings in Belsharrah are close together, brightly colored, and come in every conceivable size and shape. Intelligent birds and butterflies flit and play with the fairies in the air. A giant octopus leaves the nearby river for a tank carried by four blue-skinned sea elves while the market begins to open for business and a bronze dwarf with hair made of fire ignites his forge and opens as well...   Governed and protected by ancient treants, this lush forest has survived hundreds of thousands of years unconquered. Many of its resident treants and fey remember a time when the world was entirely yesreni, and fey kingdoms. Some even remember the world before the fey, and before the dwarves split off from their giant ancestors.   The treants and fey of the Carentan Forest stay in touch with distant relatives in Cernoa, and have formal diplomatic ties only with Tanatra, who they assume speak for all non-fey outside of Carentan (as they did tens of thousands of years ago).   One of the most ancient places in the world, it is the last known territory controlled by treants. A powerful center of druidic learning, Carentan can be dangerous to outsiders, but not hostile. The residents of the forest are mainly talking animals and fey, though there are some villages of wood elves, Rheanese half-elves, and forest gnomes. Druids of all races regularly make their way to Carentan. The Circle of Silentus has a particularly strong following. Along with the dragonborn homeland of Baatherys, Carentan is one of the only places in the world with large numbers of kobolds, though no one knows why. It is possible long ago, a colony found their way through the Whitespire Mountains, but no one else has ever found a passage.
Majority Population caisheni, awakened animals, fey, gnomes (mostly around Belsharrah), kobolds, treants, wood elves   Minority Population centaur, giants, gnolls, half elves, humans   Ecology lush old growth temperate forests and steep mountains. Treant druids have tended the forest for hundreds of thousands of years.   Ruler none or unknown   Capital none or unknown   Major Languages Cernoan, Rheanese, Tanatran   Minor Languages Caishenic


  • Dvin, Nymeran Kingdom of
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