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Cinarians of the Eastmarch

The Eastmarches of the Carentan Forest are home to a small nation of orcs, half-orcs, and humans known as the 'Cinarians'. Plague drove them out of the Tanatran Mountains millennia ago - a past they still remember.

On the long Eastern border of the Carentan Forest is the Eastmarch. Inhabited by the usual Carentan menagerie of intelligent animals, fey, and magical creatures, the Eastmarch is also home to a sprawling nation of orcs, half-orcs, and some humans. Known collectively as 'Cinarians', their oral histories tell of a plague that drove them south out of their homeland in the Tanatran Mountains thousands of years ago. Since then, they have thrived, and their numbers grew in the lush forest they now made their home. There are fourteen clans of Cinarians who make the Eastmarch their home, largely living as sedentary hunters and gatherers, supplemented with large gardens and small herds tended by the large number of druids in Cinaria. They are also known to send occasional raids into neighboring Fealand, most often as retaliation for Feanese encroachments on the edge of the Carentan Forest. For the most part, they leave the wide grass sea of K'Shetriyah-Ch'rth alone, having learned the hard way that they cannot compete with mounted centaur cavalry, even riding giant wolves.   The Feanese consider the Cinarians ignorant barbarians and savages. The clans, on the other hand, see themselves as guardians of the forest, protecting the eastern edges for the treant rulers of Carentan.   Cinarian berserkers, rangers and druids are legendary. Cinarians are said to have been the early backbone of the force Feas the Great assembled to fight the Halaanese invasion a thousand years ago.   The fourteen clans of Cinaria are: Athghent, Balar, Basran, Darsem, Diothea, Eithlan, Ghindol, Ilris, Neshemal, Oxian, Peshoa, Tinreal, Tiwaz, and Ulgar.   Each clan traces their ancestry from an epic hero from the past. Some of these famous ancestors come from a time before the orcs, humans, and elves overthrew their dragon masters and became ausrani. Most of the clan founders are from the more recent past. The Baladorian clan, for instance, trace their ancestry to the werebear tamineh Balador of the Crossroads, who protected and guided the ausrani for millenia. According to Cinarian lore, Balador married an orc woman and they had nine half-orc children.   Ilrisia Snowmantle, on the other hand, is from the more recent past, when she led death-defying guerilla raids into Halaanese territory in the Halaanic Wars a thousand years ago.   The nation's namesake, Cinaria, led her people to the eastern Carentan Forest from the plague-ridden Tanatran Mountains hundreds of years before Ilrisia was born.
Cinarian warriors have been legendary ever since Feas the Great recruited them for the Halaanic Wars a thousand years ago
Grandmother Elka is a beggar and the most powerful druid in Maergoth
Already a High Priestess of Cthuan at 23, the half orc Tenrys Swanfeather is the most promising Cinarian cleric in generations
The half-orc wizard Oridian Stonesong with his famous berserker companions.
Political, Federation

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