Baba Lysaga Character in Anchored Worlds | World Anvil
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Baba Lysaga (lie-sah-gah)

Morana Lysaga

With Strahd through many of his journeys were two women who have always supported him. One was his cousin, Yeva, and the other was a woman named Morana, who was hired by Count Barov as a magical tutor for the young Strahd. She rode with the Count as a battlemage, and had plenty of opportunities to teach the boy the art of using magic to kill. She has affection for him, but her personality is not a nurturing one. She has a tough love mentality and doesn't suffer fools, which she occasionally believes that he is.   As the years went on, Morana's soul and body began to change, but it wasn't age that came for her. One day she fell very ill, but when she rose from her sickbed, something was very wrong: she had become a tiefling. Desperate to hide her "failing," she did what she could to disguise herself. Her horns, sticking straight up from her head, were easy enough to hide by her hairstyle. The metallic sheen of her skin was hidden by long robes, though her newly sharpened teeth and talons she was forced to embrace. With her old age came the honorific "Baba," and she began to go exclusively by her last name, resulting in the name she is known as now: Baba Lysaga.   Lysaga was among Strahd's troops when they retreated to the valley, and fought with him against the Tergs. She had an honored place in Castle Ravenloft after the war ended for her assistance. When Strahd first made his deal, she saw the mark of darkness on him, but made no attempts to steer him right or warn him of the impending danger. She firmly believes that you reap what you sow, and any deal made without knowing the full contract is a deal made by a fool. She supports Stahd as her lord and protegee, but she believes him a fool for what he's done.   That is not to say she abandoned him completely to his fact, quite the opposite. She assisted in his initial campaign to weaken the hold of the divine on the valley and to this day assists him in keeping the darkness in power. She commands the coven of witches who reside at Mistwatch Mill, instructing them in their slaughter of the birds and other dark rituals. Meanwhile, she keeps the Standing Stones desecrated by ensuring the heart of The Hunger is never disturbed, and ensuring her witches keep the land desecrated.   Morana considers herself a mother. She has raised several witches, who've made their home in Berez with her. She has one infant now that she plans to raise as a witch as well. She retains her tough love mentality, but she does hold genuine affection and love for her many sons and daughters...and one in particular is very dear to her heart.
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Year of Birth
8988 875 Years old
Current Residence
Ruled Locations
Character Portrait image: Baba Lysaga by Wizards of the Coast

Baba Lysaga

Medium Tiefling, Witch, Neutral Evil

Armor Class 15
Hit Points 120 (16d8 + 48) 16d8+48
Speed: 30 ft


( +4 )


( +0 )


( +3 )


( +5 )


( +3 )


( +1 )

Saving Throws Wis +7
Skills Arcana +13, Religion +13
Senses passive Perception 13
Languages Common, Elvish, Infernal
Challenge Rating 11
Proficiency Bonus 5


No love is greater than that of a mother.


I am the mother of Strahd, and of my witches in this dark place.


I will not rest until the last of Strahd's enemies are destroyed.

Baba Lysaga is a 16th-level spellcaster. Her spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 17, +9 to hit with spell attacks.) She has the following spells prepared:   Cantrips (at will): Acid Splash, Chill Touch, Fire Bolt, Infestation, Light, Prestidigitation   1st level (4 slots): Detect Magic, Magic Missile, Sleep, Witch Bolt   2nd level (3 slots): Mind Spike (xan), Ray of Enfeeblement, Spider Climb   3rd level (3 slots): Counterspell, Enemies Abound (xan), Lightning Bolt   4th level (3 slots): Blight, Polymorph, Sickening Radiance (xan)   5th level (2 slots): Cloudkill, Eneveration (xan), Scrying   6th level (1 slot): Flesh to Stone, True Seeing   7th level (1 slot): Finger of Death, Power Word Pain (xan)   8th level (1 slot): Maddening Darkness (xan)  

Shapechanger. Baba Lysaga can use an action to polymorph into a swarm of insects, or back into her true form. While in swarm form, she has a walking speed of 5 feet and a flying speed of 30 feet. Anything she is wearing is transformed with her, but nothing she is carrying does.   Infernal Blessing. Baba Lysaga is shielded against divination magic, as if protected by a nondetection spell.


Multiattack. Baba Lysaga makes three attacks with her quarterstaff, or one spell attack.   Quarterstaff. Melee Weapon Attack. +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) bludgeoning damage or 8 (1d8 + 4) bludgeoning damage if wielded with two hands.   Summon Swarm of Insects (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest.) Baba Lysaga summons 1d4 swarms of insects. A summoned swarm appears in an unoccupied space within 60 feet of Baba Lysaga and acts as her ally. It remains until it dies or Baba Lysaga uses an action to dismiss it.