Agueda Morozov Character in Anchored Worlds | World Anvil
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Agueda Morozov (ah-gee-duh m-oh-roh-zohv)

Character Sheet
Agueda was raised by the witch Baba Lysaga for an unknown purpose. For fifteen years, she was taught magic, in preparation to meet someone very special. Baba Lysaga was a warm, doting mother who was over-involved in her daughter’s life. She was always told that she was special, that when she grew up something big would happen, and she would meet someone very special who was made for her.   When she turned 15, however, everything changed. On her birthday, a ritual was done and from that moment on, things were different. After this point, it was more a less involved and colder relationship: Agueda was made to do more grueling chores, her magic lessons ceased, and she was held at a distance. Baba Lysaga did not fully push her daughter away, but it was clear something had changed. She told Agueda it was because she was grown now, that her mother couldn’t coddle her forever.   The Burgomaster is the sad drunk uncle in the corner. He was very nice to Agueda, but was consumed by his sorrow and regret. The Priest is the closest thing Agueda would have to a father. He was a practical, somber man who was well aware of his own limitations. She often asked him for advice and, when the time came, he aided her in her escape from the ruins.   Agueda ran away from Baba Lysaga when she was twenty-one, fed up with the witch’s treatment of her. She wandered until she found the village of Vallaki.


Agueda Morozov

Friend (Important)

Towards Yeva Lebedev



Yeva Lebedev

Friend (Trivial)

Towards Agueda Morozov



Current Location
Year of Birth
9838 25 Years old
Parents (Adopting)
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