Blood of the Vine Tavern Building / Landmark in Anchored Worlds | World Anvil
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Blood of the Vine Tavern

A single shaft of light thrusts illumination into the main square, its brightness looking like a solid pillar in the heavy fog. Above the gaping doorway, a sign hangs precariously askew, proclaiming this to be the Blood of the Vine tavern.   This once finely appointed tavern has grown shoddy over the years. A glazing fire in the hearth give scant warmth to the few huddled souls within.   The tavern is owned by three exiled Vistani sisters: Anila, Minali, and Sona. They see to it that all customers pay their tabs, but other than that pay little attention to those who leave or enter.   The other employee of the tavern is Eric, the barkeep. A pudgy, short human man, he mindless cleans glasses behind the bar, ignoring all attempts to question him. The only thing he responds to is orders, which he responds to in a slow, quiet voice. When he isn't cleaning, he is tending the kitchen with the same mindless monotony. If he is away from the counter, the owners will call for him in the back when new customers enter.
Pub / Tavern / Restaurant
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