Bogdan's Mercantile Building / Landmark in Anchored Worlds | World Anvil
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Bogdan's Mercantile

The sparse light from this building spills out from behind drawn heavy curtains. A sign over the door, creaking on its hinges, reads "Bogdan's Mercantile."
  The owner of this shop is an opportunistic and unfriendly man. He trades with Vistani, hunters, and fisherman who make their way as far as Barovia village. Like all Barovians, he doesn't trust outsiders, and is happy to relieve them of as much coin as he can. He offers no sanctuary or assistance to strangers, and will tolerate no haggling, stating, "If you need it badly enough, you'll pay for it."   If the characters give Bogdan a hard time, he calls on his nephew and stock-boy, Polikarp. Polikarp has the stat block of a gladiator, but he doesn't carry a shield. Polikarp doesn't speak.   Bogdan sells the following items: Abacus (20gp), Ammunition (only arrows and crossbow bolts, at 10 gp/20), Backpack (20 gp), Ball Bearings (10 gp), Barrel (20 gap), Basket (40 sp), Bedroll (10 gp), Bell (1 gp), Blanket (50 sp), Block and tackle (5 gp), Glass Bottle (20 gp), Bucket (50 cp), Candle (10 cp), Crossbow bolt case (10 gp), Chain (50 gp), Crowbar (20 gp), Fishing tackle (10 gp), Grappling hook (25 gp), Hammer (10 gp), Sledgehammer (20 gp), Healer's kit (50 gp), Hunting trap (20 gp), Ink (20 gp), Ink pen (20 cp), Jug/Pitcher (20 cp), Lamp (20 sp), Hooded Lantern (50 gp), Mess kit (20 sp), Mirror (50 gp), Flask of oil (10 sp), Piton (10 sp), Iron pot (20 gp), Quiver (10 gp), Rations (4  sp/day), Hemp rope (10 gp), Shovel (20 gp), Signal whistle (5 sp), Soap (1 sp), Two-person tent (20 gp), Tinderbox (5 sp), Waterskin (1 gp), Whetsone (1 gp).
Shop, Generic
Parent Location