Barovia Village Settlement in Anchored Worlds | World Anvil
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Barovia Village

Tall shapes loom out of the dense fog that surrounds everything. The muddy ground underfoot gives way to slick, wet cobblestones. The tall shapes become recognizable as village dwellings. The windows of each house stare out from pools of blackness. No sound cuts the silence except for mournful sobbing that echoes through the streets from a distance.
  The village now called Barovia is one of the saddest places in the valley. Its residents are so terrified of Strahd that they rarely venture from their homes. The village lies in the shadow of Castle Ravenloft, buried under the fog but unable to hide from the vampire's sight. The village offers supplies and rest to hunters that brave the dangers of the forest.   There are no Strahd zombies in the village. Also, rats aren't the servants of Strahd, but they are extremely aggressive.   In addition, the Dream Pastries event is different in the following ways: the parents don't cry or plead, but silently give the boy over (they are addicted to the pastries, and believe the child is going to be put to work.) The child still cries, but Morgantha doesn't put him in a bag. She simply ties his wrists together and puts him in the back of the cart.   If the party follows the sound of sobbing, they trace the sound to E7 on the map, to an empty house that replaces Death House. Read the text below:  
The door to this sagging house hangs ajar, swaying back and forth with an ominous creaking sound. The windows are caked in dust and grime that is cut through with streaks of cleanliness like tears running down a dark face. As you step closer, the weeping grows so loud it is deafening, and for an instant it sounds like your own voice. Then, with a heaving sigh, it goes silent.
  If the party enters the house, they find it completely empty. The back door is smashed open, and the back garden is disturbed as if the ground has been dug up many times.

If Ireena is Tatyanna's Incarnation

If Ireena is the incarnation of Strahd's long-lost "love," then the fate of the burgomaster is the same as in the book. She is hiding out in their house while Ismark tries to gather a group of willing bodyguards to escort Ireena to Krezk, where the The Sunrise Temple and the Abbot might offer her protection from the vampire Strahd. She also requests that they help her take her father's body to the graveyard for a proper burial, after which point she will travel with them.   Ismark is willing to empty his family's coffers to pay the party for Ireena's safe passage.

If Ireena is not Tatyanna's Incarnation

If Ireena is not the incarnation of Strahd's long-lost "love," then the burgomaster is alive. Kolyan Indirovich is a stern but kind-hearted man. He cares deeply for his children and the people under his care in the village, but does not concern himself with matters beyond that. He does nothing to anger Strahd or draw the vampire's attention.
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