Dmitri Krezkov Character in Anchored Worlds | World Anvil
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Dmitri Krezkov


Dmitri Krezkov's ancestors moved to the Valley shortly after Strahd took control of it, and before he became a vampire. They found the small community of halflings living to the far west of the valley and took control of the valley, giving it a name. Dmitri is aware of the unfortunate origins of his family, but he himself is no tyrant. He is a lord, and expects to be treated like one. Though the human blood is long gone from the Krezkov line, he knows his blood is noble, and he expects to be treated as such. He places the safety of his villagers above the welfare and business of strangers. He has seen outsiders and adventurers before, and knows they are either Strahd's allies or their enemies, either of which spell trouble and death for those he protects. He will not shelter Strahd's enemies nor humor his allies. The only way the party can earn his favor is by doing something for Krezk, in which case he finds himself bound by honor to assist and offer hospitality in some way. The best way to help Krezk is to get wine.   Should the characters force their way into the town using magic or strength of arms, he will tell the guards to stand down and the people to hide in their homes, hoping to avoid bloodshed. He will do everything he can to expedite the characters' departure.   A character who succeeds a DC 12 Wisdom (Insight) check can discern that Dmitri is trying to hide his grief. He is grieving the death of his last child.


Anna Krezkov


Towards Dmitri Krezkov


Dmitri Krezkov


Towards Anna Krezkov


Current Location
Year of Birth
9823 40 Years old
Anna Krezkov (Wife)

Character Portrait image: Dmitri Krezkov by Wizard of the Coast