Solana Samael Character in Anchored Worlds | World Anvil
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Solana Samael

High Empress

The founder of the Samael Empire, Solana Samael was an extremely devout woman who began to receive prophetic visions and dreams in the second half of her life after she took the crown from her late father. The visions were of her ancestors and her gods, and they pushed her to spread her influence across the turbulent and wartorn continent of Ditea.

Mental characteristics


Solana was bisexual.
1842 2622 780 years old
Circumstances of Birth
Solana was the third child of her father, and the only girl. As such, she was first in line to take his throne upon his death.
Circumstances of Death
Solana died of old age, living nearly 800 years.
Very long black hair, often worn loose
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Bronze, heavily tattooed
Aligned Organization