Lake Zarovich Geographic Location in Anchored Worlds | World Anvil
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Lake Zarovich

At the foot of the mountain, nestled in the misty forest, is a large lake. The water is perfectly still and dark, reflecting the clouds above like a mirror. At its center is a small island with a thin copse of trees standing against the horizon. Pulled up along the south shore are three small rowboats. A fourth boat can be seen in the middle of the lake. A lone figure sits in it, fishing pole in hand.
  Each rowboat on the lake's shore can safely hold five people. Each has a set of oars and is in decent condition.   The person fishing on the lake is Borislav Kirov, a resident of Vallaki. He is in a trance and doesn't respond to anyone or anything unless attacked, in which case he tries to flee into the lake. As he cannot swim, he will begin to drown. With him in the boat is a bag that is moving slightly. If undisturbed, he will throw the bag into the lake at exactly midnight. If the players interfere before he does so, or manage to stop the bag from sinking (a DC 15 Athletics check from shore, DC 10 from a rowboat), they can open it to find it is full of very young kittens and puppies.   Lake Zarovich is haunted. Any Vallaki locals will warn the players against sleeping by the lake, or fishing in it. Those who do so, they say, tend to disappear. After midnight, 1d4 +3 1d4+3 ghosts can be seen standing on the lake's surface. They are nonhostile and do not communicate with the living in any way, though they do watch them curiously. They rise and fall from the water, letting out low moans that echo like whalesong.   At the center of the Lake is Isle Salsbar. There is nothing of note there, but it is there that Borislov spends his time when he isn't fishing or looking for sacrificed.   Dwelling in Lake Zarovich is a water spirit (with the stat block of a Water Weird) who goes by the name Maks. It is able to communicate with telepathic images and strong urges that it uses to manipulate its charges. It lures people to the shore with its haunting whalesong, and asks them for life. They bring it sacrifices, and in exchange it allows them to fish in its waters. The fish deepen their trance and affection for Maks, until finally they drown themselves to be with it forever.
Lake Zarovich by James' RPG Art
Alternative Name(s)
Lake of Ghosts
Location under