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Stella Wachter

Stella Wachter is Fiona Wachter's youngest child, and only daughter. A very sweet and smart young woman, she often stepped in to stop her rambunctious older brothers from getting into any real trouble (not that they would anyway, as they are, at their core, good men.) Her parents shielded her from the worst of the violence and mayhem of the valley, keeping her soul somewhat innocent and hopeful. She had an interest in magic and history that her mother actively cultivated, and one that likely would have earned her the attention of Strahd himself, had she not met an unfortunate fate.   A little over a year ago, Lady Fiona arranged for Stella to enter an engagement with the burgomaster's only son, Victor Vallacovich . Stella knew nothing of Victor, or her mother's ambitions, but as the only other noble family in the town, it made sense to her that the two families would eventually join. She put her best foot forward, as she had little romantic interest in anyone else.   Victor showed little interest in Stella, as he was wholly preoccupied with his own goals, but she made a valiant effort to become even slightly acquainted with him. She attempted to bond with him over a love of magic, and he allowed her a few times to visit him in his workshop. However, one day she attempted to help him with one of his experiments, and something went horribly wrong. Victor, seeing the experiment go awry, made absolutely no attempts to save Stella from her fate. He wasn't terribly concerned, nor even remotely remorseful for Stella's fate. He had a servant escort her home once he realized the effect was likely permanent, and has not spoken to or asked after her since. Her mother, on the other hand, was horrified and deeply regretful that her ambitions had resulted in her daughter so deeply injured. She locked off Stella's suite of rooms, and allowed only herself and a nurse to keep the keys. Stella has been in those rooms ever since.

Stella's Madness

Stella suffers from partial amnesia, and does not remember who she is or who her family is. She knows that she is home, and that she's safe. However, she suffers from extreme paranoia, and compulsively performs several rituals in to calm her mind, including pouring salt in the windows and doors of her room, trying on and removing every piece of jewelry she owns in order, and counting the bricks of her walls. She doesn't speak loudly for fear of being heard (by what she is unsure), and she has a deep fear of all animals. She is unable to sleep if she is alone, and a music box must be playing. This music box contains a model organ being played by a red-haired dwarf, and plays foreboding lullabies.
Year of Birth
9843 20 Years old
Stella has the commoner statblock, but she is also a sorcerer, and has the following spells:

Character Portrait image: DiuDiu~ by Jess Reinhardt


Medium Human, Noble, Neutral Good

Armor Class 10
Hit Points 6 (1d8 + 2) [1d8+2]
Speed: 30 ft


( +0 )


( +0 )


( +0 )


( +2 )


( +0 )


( +0 )

Skills Arcana +2
Senses passive Perception 10
Languages Common
Challenge Rating 1/2

Stella is a 1st level spellcaster. Her spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 10, +2 to hit with spell attacks.) She has the following spell prepared:   Cantrips (at all): shocking grasp, mage hand 1st level (2 slots): shield