Fiona Watcher Character in Anchored Worlds | World Anvil
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Fiona Watcher

Lady Fiona Wachter is descended from one of the knights who loyally accompanied Strahd to take the valley of Barovia. She makes no secret of her loyalty to Strahd, and her desire to rule Vallaki as burgomaster. She believes he is at worst a negligent landlord, and believes that the current burgomaster is the true tyrant (she isn't entirely wrong) in her life. Her main goal is to overthrow him and take over Vallaki.   Fiona conspired briefly to marry her daughter Stella Wachter to the baron's son, Victor. For a time, the two were amicable, but one day Stella returned from a visit to Victor with her mind completely shattered. Heartbroken and angry, Fiona has confined Stella to a suite of rooms in the house, with only a nurse allowed to visit her. The rooms are kept pitch dark for Stella's comfort.   Lady Fiona genuinely adores her family. In addition to Stella, she has two older sons, Nikolai II and Kirill. She loves her children, and has slightly spoiled all of them. Though she would sacrifice any of them to further her goals, it would destroy her emotionally to do so and, as with her husband, she would not be able to ever truly let them go.   Due to her family's long-standing ties to Strahd and the old country from which he hailed, Lady Fiona was raised in devout worship of the deceased god Reve . Obviously, since Barovia has been cut off from the outside world for some time, she is unaware that Reve has starved to death centuries ago. Besides her ambition and her family, her religion is the most important thing to Fiona. The sunlight is beloved to Reve, and Lady Fiona believes that those who are wicked shall be burned away from the bright light of the sun, and Barovia will be freed from its misery. To this end, she has been secretly preaching the "true" gospel of Reve to willing Vallakians, and has begun magically compelling the unwilling. She holds meetings in the basement of her home, where she preaches to the willing, and has a long-running "Mass Suggestion" spell for the unwilling.   In the event that Fiona should ever light the lights in Stella's suite, her followers will act. The plan is to storm the burgomaster's mansion. Her plan is to find a way to distract or otherwise dispose of a majority of the baron's loyal guards, and then light the room.   Another one of Fiona's secrets is that she has kept the corpse of her late husband, Nikolai I, who died nearly three years ago. She has cast gentle repose on his corpse since that time, unwilling to part from him.


Nikolai I


Towards Fiona Watcher


Fiona Watcher


Towards Nikolai I


Current Location
Year of Birth
9810 53 Years old
Nikolai I (Husband)
Ruled Locations
Character Portrait image: by Kamila