The Session That Vanishes Without a Tres Report Report in Anchored Worlds | World Anvil
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The Session That Vanishes Without a Tres Report

General Summary

The session opens with the party in the church in Barovia Village , where Thera is having a hard time. She strikes the priest, whose name is now Stefanovich, and asks what happened to his son. He produces from his robe a wedding invitation, and implies Doru was a guest. Agueda recalls that she saw others in the town of Vallaki receive the same invitations, but none of them returned.   The party searched the burgomaster's stables, but the horses were all gone. Phi searched the forest, and found not only two horses, Shadow and Spirit, but also an emaciated tomcat who introduced himself (via Speak with Animals) as Faran. Faran has many interesting things to say.   Agueda took a rest, and made some unfortunate discoveries.   Meanwhile, Thera and Ireena (still disguised as Ismark) searched the town for a wagon. They came across an old woman pushing a cart, selling her meat pies. She sold one to Thera for two silver, who immediately cast Identify. The pie was enchanted to make those who consume it extremely happy. The two later saw the woman accept a child as payment for a pie. Thera convinced the woman to give up the child, trading him for 5 gold. Thera escorted the child to the church, where she begrudgingly left him in the Father's care. Ireena attempt to Suggest the old woman leave town and although the spell failed, the old woman left.   The party decided to seek the Vistani, knowing they weren't Strahd's friends. Agueda knew of a camp near the river, and the party set out to find them. Along the way, they run across a strangely dressed man, who states that Ismark (who Ireena is still disguised as) has a bounty on his head. Phi kills him with one arrow, and the party quickly dispatch of the seven mushroom-like creatures that the druid had summoned. Ireena burned the body, and disguised herself as that man.   The party finds the Vistani camp, and Thera camouflages the cart a little ways down the road. Ireena disguises herself as a generic Vistani (though she forgets to braid her hair), though the guards are friendly and willing to escort the party in for "at least one night of safety." The party is encouraged to see "the Madame" for their fortune. They seek her tent, and she immediately sees through Ireena's disguise. She still insists on reading the party's fortune, stating this will help them on their quest to defeat Strahd. The reading was as follows:   "This card tells of history. Knowledge of the forgotten past will help you better understand your enemy. I see a garden dusted with snow, watched over by a scarecrow with a sackcloth grin.   This card tells of a powerful force for protection, a holy symbol of great power. Look to the wizard of the wines. Among the glass and sand, your prize hides.   This is a card of power and strength. It tells of a weapon of vengeance: a sword made of sunlight. Something evil grows atop a hill of graves where the ancient dead lie. Look for your treasure there.   This cards casts a light on one who will help you greatly in your battle against the darkness. I hear a wedding bell...or perhaps a death knell. It calls you to a mountain sickhouse, and a woman who is more than the sum of her parts.   Your enemy is a creature of darkness and chaos, whose powers are beyond mortality. This card will lead you to him in his moment of greatest weakness: he haunts the tomb of the man he envied most."   Madame Eva also had parting words for each party member, which hinted that she knew more about them than she let on. Agueda later returned with more questions.   Ireena, feeling the eyes of the Vistani upon her after shedding her disguise, left the safety of the camp to calm herself in the woods.

Character(s) interacted with

Stefanovich, an old woman selling pies, Madam Eva
The Barovia Blues
Report Date
06 Nov 2021
Primary Location

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