Christmas and Claus Animal Residences

Howdy y’all! We here at Christmas and Claus Animal Residences are mighty proud to be part of Santa’s team!   I’ll give you a tour of the whole stables. Wait! I didn’t give you my name! Well, that can be done now.   Name’s Cassius Ringling. I am just a lowly stable boy. All the important people are too busy so you get someone young today!   What should we talk about first?   Guess the first thing is talk about caring for the animals, especially the reindeer. We have Veterinarians and Animal Handlers for their health. At least one side of it. They care for our reindeer and horses and unicorns.   Yes, we have other big animals besides reindeer.   Then you have all the Elvin Reindeer Training Instructors of the Flyer Flight Academy. They teach the young deer the basics then more advanced classes.   Coaches, like Jim Dandy, within the academy ensure that all reindeer exercise and recover properly.   The academy ensures all reindeer can certify as actual working deer for Santa Claus.   Why would Santa or, more appropriately, The Royalty of Christmas Magic need more working deer that can fly?   The North Pole Christmas Kingdom needs flying deer to retrieve food from the mortals and students for the university. These working deer are used as transportation not only into and out of the Kingdom but also within it.   Shall we walk on? We’re walking now towards the reindeer residences but first I’ll show you the horse and unicorn stables.   There are twelve of each but they don’t always stay here. There are Polar Horses and Polar Unicorns.   We now arrive within the reindeer compound. There is a big stable for most of the reindeer. Another one is next door. The fence allows them to move freely outside the warmth of the barn.   A separate stable is for cows giving birth and new mothers.   (Another man walks over to Cassius. He is in some type of special uniform. It looks like something honorary in the Reindeer Operations Department.)   Come all Ye Faithful! Come and see my friend, Lowly Cassius, guiding a tour over the animal residences.   Stop it, you big child! Why do I even bother to bring you out in public?!   You know I have to tease you! But I’ll behave now.   Long as you start talking, everything is good.   My name is Eden Resk Handrein. We’ve known each other for a long time. I am a legacy handler. Meaning I am working at the same job like my grandfather.   My grandfather, since retired, was a reindeer handler for centuries. And so is my father.   I may be young but I help take care of the reindeer. I can speak on behalf of my father who has a special job here.   He is one of those elves that have earned a place and is now caring for one of “The Nine”. I won’t say which reindeer and it certainly is an honor for an elf to be allowed in the club.   “The Eight” became “The Nine” but they are treated like royalty.   Something you may not know? Hmmmmmmmm!!   To pull something like Santa’s Sleigh, there are special requirements for them. Only their descendants and ancestors have so far earned the right to be hooked up to these unique and grand sleighs. This will sometimes go to the Royalty Sleighs as well. But yeah, you might’ve learned something today.   We are now front and center of Santa’s Sleigh Team Stables. Inside is a stall for each deer and their wives. Through the side barn doors are stalls for their children who grow up here.   Yes, Rudolph grew up here. Yes, he has a stall here as well. But he chose to have a barn to his family and we respect that. And still yes, he has caretakers over them with him.   These deer train for Christmas in March which starts with a meeting of last Christmas.   I, Cassius, only have one thing to say. The Department of Reindeer and Sleigh Operations, often called the Sleigh Transportation Network of All Things Christmas and Christmas Magic, is a dual department turned into one.   And we bid farewell to you, dear traveler!   If Cassius has nothing else, thank you all for coming!     Lying next door to Christmas and Claus Sleigh Coach Housing, these stables are the home of all Christmas and Claus Flyers, the Polar Horses, the Polar Unicorns, Amerigo, Dominic, and other animals. This massive complex is used to care for all animals. There are Elf Veterinarians, Elf Handlers, Elf Instructors, and others who care for the animals, including reindeer. Other buildings here include offices and Flyer’s Flight Academy. The academy is used for reindeer flight lessons. It also helps with sleigh driving, animal-cart relations, and more. The Original Eight (now Nine) Flyers have a stable just for them. Rudolph, however, chooses to live with his wife and children. Some of The Sleigh Team AKA Christmas Team #1 also have children and grandchildren. In a time without magic, many reindeer are grounded. They don’t like it but understand why it is this way. Many go on to find jobs to help. Some haul toys to the toy barns, others haul passengers in taxi sleighs or VIPS in sleighs for ceremonial occasions. Within the Department of Reindeer Operations, two sub-departments exist. Caretaking (Grooming and Washing and Feeding) is one. Reindeer Training is another. Sleigh Ride is the third sub-department but it also includes Department of Reindeer Operations and not just Department of Sleigh Operations. This sub-department hitches up reindeer to sleighs and helps with special events, including coronations.
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