The Quarters & Outer Limits

The Outer Limits, as some might term it, is an area often not of city proper but still apart of the city. Here, you can find buildings that aren’t residential. Some of these building are big buildings. Others are smaller.   Some of these places are Polar North Greenhouses, The Cavern of Great Christmas Crystals, said candy cane mine (if existing) of Santa’s Candy Cave Legend, The Very Merry Christmas Sleigh-port and The North Pole Noel Convention Center.   The Outer Limits also hosts all housing for the residents.   The first is Christmas Elves Quarters, formally Christmas Elfin Housing Development . Three differet housing arrangements are here and house all Christmas Elves.   Christmas and Claus Animal Residences is a section housing Christmas Reindeer - Flyers, Twelve Polar Unicorns , and other animals. Next door, Christmas and Claus Sleigh Coach Housing Complex, houses all three classes of sleighs. Both sections make up Department of Reindeer and Sleigh Operations.   All three are huge.   Away and in another part of The Outer Limits, The Clauses and Father Winter live separate from most eveything else. However, and for differing reasons, they value privacy and seclusion.   Nicholas and Gertrude Claus live in Enchantment of Noel Grand Palace. It is the first palace as HWY 124 comes to the end.   Down the road, Father Winter lives. He is the de facto leader of Winter Deities Council. As head of the council, his palace also functions as the council headquarters and hosts all Winter Gods and Goddesses at various times of the year.   But they mostly only formally gather for Annual Ceremony of Yuletide. Nearby to Father Winter’s Palace, Frosty the Snowmen hosts his very own home here.   In caves nearby, both the Yeti and Polar bear Clans live inside. Those two clans live in the actual forest (Christmastide Forest or Christmastide Valley Woodlands). The forest trees are often used as Christmas Trees or Tannenbaums. Elves from North Pole Forest Service cut and replace these tress as they try to help keep Mothers’ Nature and Gaia healthy and happy!   This forest is also a great hiding spot for games or from attacks of the magical sort.   Of course, the forest surrounds this Heart like it did with the now-lost one. The Northern Lights, possible to be viewed from anywhere in the valley, are best observed in The Outer Limits. You’ll only find their beauty and majesty more wondrous than ever possibly imagined!  

The Outer Limits - Hotels

Just like the Elfin Village Area, The Outer Limits also host hotels. Four more lie situated away from everything to allow guests some peace and more time near nature. Although this whole valley is “in nature”, it’s different being closer to the trees. The Northern Lights are also viewable from the many hotels but these four are the better ones.   These hotels also allow students to stay in them over breaks or to study in their conference rooms unless they’re in use. Most of them are not used for students during the Fall and Spring Semesters. However, some visiting professors or special visitors do stay in them.   These hotels were packed for Baxter and Angela’s wedding.   The Flyers Lodge or The Sleigh Team Lodge is the first hotel in the Quarters/Outer Limits Area. It is named after the reindeer who pull the Believer-Class Sleighs.What was once nine rooms soon expanded to more. Now, this building hosts many rooms named for many of Santa’s Reindeer.   Nativity Bed and Breakfast is the second hotel named after The Nativity Story. This time, it is named after the entirety of events in the Bible. It has rooms (approx. 14) associated with those of people or locations in The Nativity Story. IT is also the second hotel named for a biblical story.   Twelfth Night/Twelve Days of Christmas Lodge is named after the Twelvetide in the tides of Christmas. It has 25 rooms. It is somewhat smaller than the others.   Aurora Borealis Country Inn is named for Lady Boreal AKA The Northern Lights. Out of the majesties of nature, these lights shine bright over the valley and the greater Artic Circle. This small inn only has 40 rooms. Its’ colors were inspired from the lights themselves.  

Locations in Quarters and Outer Limits

Polar North Greeenhouses   Cavern of Great Christmas Crystal   Enchantment of Christmas & Claus Grand Palace   Christmas Elvin Housing Development   Christmas & Claus Animal Residences Development   Christmas & Claus Sleigh Coach Housing Development

Articles under The Quarters & Outer Limits


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