Santa's Flying Squad

The reindeer who are trained to pull Believer-Class Sleighs are known by many names. Santa's Flyers, Santa's Christmas Delivery Team or the S-1 Main Team are the most common of these nicknames. This team of reindeer and this particular class of sleighs are only used on Christmas Eve.   The elite team has eight members, all of whom are the original crew. Each one was specifically chosen to be the known reindeer of Mantle of Santa Claus. Their names are Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, and Blitzen. These eight reindeer are the only permanent members.   For centuries, they have flown for Santa ensuring that children believe in the Spirit of Christmas.   Upon the building of Center of Christmas and Spirit City, elves who work in Department of Reindeer and Sleigh Operations discovered the Christmas and Claus Animal Residences where specific stables, a whole barn actually, have been created for the sleigh team members and their families. This barn is called Santa’s Sleigh Team Stables.   For these reindeer are held in high esteem and therefore receive special privileges. As do their family. But all animals within Santa's Domain are care for equally and receive their needs and much love.   If there was to become a time where these deer chose to die, then their descendants would take their ancestors spots on the team. And like all data, there are charts and information about Sleigh Team Membership and family trees in Santa's North Pole Archives.
Place of Residence

Sleigh Team Stables at Christmas and Claus Animal Residences


Christmas Reindeer - Flyers


Pulling Believer-Class Sleighs on Christmas Eve delivering toys to deserving children


Department of Reindeer and Sleigh Operations


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