Polar North Greenhouses

Greenhouse - a usually permanent climate-controlled structure enclosed (as by glass or multiple layers of plastic) and used usually year-round for the cultivation or protection of tender plants
  Polar North Greenhouses are located in The Outer Limits. They were created using magical means. Both the Dwarves and Elves created these buildings to help Nicholas. It was an honor for them to be asked.   Fire and Nature deities (possibly with Spring deities) help the elves grow what they need to. Although most outside the Congress or Christmas Beings do not know this.   In the past before magic left, the elves used magic to grow food and cotton quickly and in large amounts. Then it left and the elves took more time to grow food and cotton. The food is stored in the kitchen.   The valley is not suitable for most plants and animals. Many different food products must come from the mortal world. It was Nicholas who chose people to help them.   Europe and North America had multiple locations to use as Santa Delivery Warehouses. These warehouses could also be used on Christmas Eve. But mostly were used for food. Nicholas chose people in various lands who had more Christmas Spirit than their neighbors. Nicholas went down to meet them and share his plan. They all agree to share their harvest as well as seeds. Fruits and vegetables (corn, soybean rice, citrus, oranges, apples, and the like), nuts, cacao, wheat and dairy products are placed in a special location so the elves can get them. Same goes for cotton, wool, and whatever else they need.  

Greenhouse Description

The eight domes are made of glass or something resembling glass domes. These huge structures hold much food thought not enough to totally feed the residents without help from the outside world. While only six are for food, one more adds cotton to what is grown. The last, though not least, are for trees that are used around the valley for Christmastide and Wintertide. These domes are not connected into the tunnel system. However, the tunnels actually go nearby.
Room, Outdoors, Greenhouse
Parent Location


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