
Nymphs are most often female metaphysical spirits of both nature and seasons but there are also males. As spirits of all four seasons, they also hold season-related powers and abilities from differing deities.   Fairies and Nymphs are cousins but many think they are siblings.   They are often divided into various broad subgroups, such as the Meliae (ash tree nymphs), the Dryads (oak tree nymphs), the Naiads (freshwater nymphs), the Nereids (sea/saltwater nymphs), and the Oreads (mountain nymphs). Meliae and Dryad Nymphs are metaphysical spirits connected to trees, their homes in forests, and will die if the trees die.  

Nymphs Careers

Nymphs who work for Seasonal Deities turn the seasons and ensure it all goes well. The Nymphs who work for Elemental Deities sometimes work with the Seasonal Deities. However, they are given orders to follow by their own deities.  

General Powers

Mystical Aura/Power/Radiance: Nymphs, like all in The Fae Collective, have an aura of power surrounding them. This energy also makes it known that they possess strong magical properties and are part of Ancient Power.   The Gift of Immortality: This gift allows all Nymphs the ability to live forever.  

In-Use General Powers

Omnilingualism/All-Tongue and Zoolingualism: “The Gift of Universal Translation” is to be able to speak, write, understand and communicate in any language. With a subset of All-Tongue, users are able to understand the speech of animal life forms. Telepathy “Telepathic Contact” (Master Level): All Nymphs are able communicate by thought-speak and they can also read minds. And lots more! Mystical Species Bonding/Companionship: The alliance formed by mystical species and humans eventually became something much more. Those who work with Alicorns, Gryphons, Dragons, Unicorns and many others understand them and care for them like family. Those who want to pull carriages, coaches, and more do.

Powers based on Work

Earth Purification: Nature Nymphs can purify the land rendering it safe for life and habitation for the purpose of farming or construction. Seasonal Fairies then can help grow crops.   Trees and Plants Manipulation: Known as Botanical Control/Manipulation or Flora Manipulation, Nature and Season Nymphs can awaken these from their sleep and cause them to grow and add leaves or blossom with flowers. Basically, this power helps to change Nature into a warm environment for Humans and animals to thrive in.   Rain and Wind Generation: Seasonal Nymphs (Mostly Autumn and Spring) have the ability to bring rain and wind to create good weather and the rain helps the crops to grow.   Winter Weather Generation : Winter Nymphs bring snow and winter storms. In this time, trees and plants bulk up on the soil's nutrients and water so they will have enough energy to grow in the spring.   Crop Generation: Nymphs and Fairies help to make the crop grow.   *All Elemental or Seasonal Nymphs do what they can to complete their tasks as assigned by their Deities.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Geographic Distribution


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