The Fae Collective

The Fae Collective are metaphysical humanoid beings of nature known by their nicknames as Fair Folk whose power comes from AP’s Spirit. There are many types of Fae. But the Fae as a whole are spirits of nature in Pagan belief systems. They are more connected to Earth than Humans as the latter have strayed away from older, more natural belief systems.   Fae have always been seen as human in appearance and having magical powers although their height varies depending on which type of Fae. The Fae Collective is certainly intelligent even if they physically look different. All members of The Fae Collective speak in the language of Mystic Tongue of Ancient Power although they’re not the only ones who speak this language. All Guardians and other creatures can also speak it.   Of the Fae, Merpeople or Fairies or Dwarfs and Elves are the most likely to run across Humans or come near human settlements.  

Human-Fae Relations

Humans and the Mystical World, including the Fae Collective, had great relations in the Old High Age of Ancient Power. We lived in Harmony, Unity, and Peace for many years (a very long time). We were kindred spirits. Until Humans changed. They went from kind-hearted and loving people (kindred spirits) to a species more intent on death and destruction and hate.   Humans became a species that all Fae, and all mystical species, didn’t recognize. It was unfortunate but they needed protect themselves. They lessened their time with humans until spending time with humans was essentially outlawed. The human population didn’t seem to notice as they were inventing things and going up the tech tree.   They then started to mention this side as fictional, which was the plan all along.   Many years passed. The Mystical World is now considered fictional. However, there are a few who know different. These few, The Legendary Guardians of Childhood, are the protectors of all things mystical.  

Fae Settlements

Living Centers AKA Fae Settlements (cities, towns, and villages) are places where fairies, elves, dwarfs,merpeople, and other species live and work. They act like those in the Human World (Mortal World). Many of these settlements are shielded with magic from mortals. But there is a law forbidding mortals to cross the border. Most were actually lied to though few know the truth. Those who knew were often human government officials. Although, they too were mostly out of the loop.   Humans, because of the law, never reached any settlements. But if you did, you might see factories making unusual things. Or maybe Guardians of Childhood.   On the factory side, some of them may be making fairy dust or elf dust. There is also a factory for magical feed for reindeer and other animals. Sometimes, they could make magical items of lesser importance or potions.   You might be wondering about exceptions? The only exception is St. Nicholas of Myra AKA Santa Claus. Elves met him outside the city and found something magical about him. This was the only pre-destined and pre-Guardian circumstance. Baxter is not an exception due to him being magical and a Guardian. But you could say he also is.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Geographic Distribution

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