Rituals of Children of the Wheel

Religious practices (rituals and traditions) are part of religions or belief systems of a people. For humans, it is based on geographic location and history. These cultures/religions are various over the land and over the thousands of years on Earth. As they've grown, different practices develop. Some die out. Some evolve, staying until until modern times.   There have been many (range in the thousands) on Earth.   But what constitutes a religious or belief practice? These practices may or may not include rituals, sermons, commemoration or veneration (of deities or those doing good), sacrifices, festivals, feasts, initiations, matrimonial and funerary services, meditation, prayer, music, art, dance, or public service.   Now that you're intrduced into the basic defintion of what religious rituals and practices are, it is time to talk about the religious rituals and practices for Children of the Wheel and see what has been adopted by the Children of the Wheel!  

Nemeta Practices

As you may remember, a nemeta is the overarching word for any worship space and the word comes from the Celtic tradition of Druidism.  

Nemeta House

Nemeta House or Temple are used for the once-a-week meetings by the Brethren in Fellowship with Ancient Power or Children of Ancient Power.   The Children of the Wheel flock or followers of the wheel of Ancient Power often have 24/7 access to these places. Some just come to sit and pray. Or to meditate. Others come here to be silent or to do nothing. And still some come because they want to ask gods or others for advice.   But this is also a safe space. People have come here seeeking sanctuary or help. People also have come to grieve. Although this isn't a often thing. But releasing emotions (sadness, anger. happiness, ETC.) here is allowed.   For special events, these can be used for luncheons (meals) and conferences or group projects. Anything that brings people together!  

Nemeta - Natural and Sacred Spaces

Nemeta Sacred Spaces are often natural features normally in public in "the fresh air".   Sacred places in this case are those of magic (those of Ancient Power).   The first places are the nodes, and The Greater Nodes (the chakras). Nodes are places where a Ley Lines converge making the use of powerful magic (or the use of magic portals) possible. Extremely powerful nodes often have monuments directly on top of the convergence. Although this does apply to all extremely powerful nodes.   Events celebrated are often Midsummer/Litha, Beltane, Ostara. All sabbats can be celebrated at sacred spaces but most do not receive celebrations at sacred spaces.  

Pagan Sabbats

A sabbat is a pagan festival. There are four major festivals. Yule/Midwinter, Ostara, Litha, Mabon are the major ones. The minor ones, often called pagan festivals from the British Isles, are as follows: Imbolc (Candlemas), Beltane (May Eve), Lughnasadh (Lammas), Samhain (All Hallows Eve).  
Around the Year by Kelli Ann Wilson and Around the Year

Yule/Winter Solstice

Annual Ceremony of Yuletide  

Imbolc (Candlemas)

Imbolc is the traditional mark for the first stirrings of spring. It is dedicated to the goddess Brigid, daughter of The Dagda and one of the Tuatha Dé Danann.   Although spring truly begins on Ostara, the Earth begins to awaken in early Feburary.  

Ostara/Spring Equinox

Named for Ēostre, an Anglo-Saxon Goddess of New Beginnings, this midpoint between Imbolc and Beltane is the second of three spring celebrations. It is known as Alban Eilir in strands of neo-druidry.   The holiday of Ostara is when plants and animals emerge from the grips of winter.  


Beltane lies about midway between the spring equinox and summer solstice. It is the unofficial start of summer.  


Annual Ceremony of Litha  


Termed as Lughnasa or Lúnasa is a Gaelic festival marking the beginning of the harvest season. It is one of four Gaelic seasonal festivals that is was widely observed throughout Ireland, Scotland and the Isle of Man. It is about halfway between the summer solstice and autumn equinox.   The festival is named after the god Lugh.  

Mabon/Autumn Equinox

Mabon (known variously among neopagans as Mabon, Mheillea, Harvest Home, Feast of the Ingathering, Meán Fómhair, An Clabhsúr, or Alban Elfed (in neo-druidry)) Iis a neopagan festival of thanksgiving for the fruits of the earth and a recognition of the need to share them to secure the blessings of the Goddess and the Gods during the coming winter months. The festival is generally considered to be a feast-centered holiday. It lies int the middle between Lughnasa and Samhain.  

Samhain (Halloween)

Samhain, or Sauin, is the name of a traditional Gaelic festival. It is one of The Four Greater Sabbats. For Wiccans, Samhain is a time to celebrate the lives of those who have passed on, and it often involves paying respect to ancestors, family members, elders of the faith, friends, pets, and other loved ones who have died. Aligned with the contemporary observance of Halloween and Day of the Dead, in some traditions the spirits of the departed are invited to attend the festivities.   It is seen as a festival of darkness, which is balanced at the opposite point of the Wheel by the festival of Beltane, which is celebrated as a festival of light and fertility. Many neopagans believe that the veil between this world and the afterlife is at its thinnest point of the year at Samhain, making it easier to communicate with those who have departed.  

Normal Worship Service

A pagan service in the Nemeta House is usually on Saturday. Some may happen on Friday. Two services usually occur in one. A morning and an evening. Although some services are held by dawn's early light or by the setting sun's last light.  

Normal Service

  (Call) Greetings, Sisters and Brothers! I welcome you in the Name of Goodness and Light! May we worship with Hope and Love today.   (Response) In the Name of Goodness and Light, we greet you as well. And yes, Hope and Love shall reign!   For those of you who don't know me, I am High Priest/Priestess (GIVEN FIRST AND LAST NAME). In our temple, we believe in all deities. In our temple, we hope belief flies from here to the most sacred space in all of Ancient Power where a few Metaninaite Crystals of Ancient Power lie.   In this space, we often talk about two things that our world needs most. Those being Hope and Love. But I think we need to give things to all deities.   Please pray with us.   Hear us, Gods and Goddesses   We thank you for each and every thing you provide us. They give us what we need. We want to honor you and so we light a candle for each "house". We believe in you. We only ask that we keep severe weather away from us. May each house bless us on Earth. And for all, gladness and oneness with each house.   (SOMETHING GOES HERE)   (AND HERE)   (AND HERE)   (AND HERE)   For the sheep not in this fold may return, welcome them just as each of you have come and been welcomed. Light and Life to all!!   And to all Goodness and Light may reign! - normal call and response ending of the worship

Articles under Rituals of Children of the Wheel


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