Santa's North Pole Post Office

Holly jolly day, visitors! My name is Patty, Patricia “Patty” Jingle Laconia-Drockenbach. I will guide you through the famous postal office of Santa Claus. Before we start, I would like to officially welcome you to the Department of Christmas Letters. This is where all letters to Santa come to.   This building only does Santa Letters. We do not have an ordinary postal service as you mortals do. As you can see above, they come through a huge slot. Did you know this slot was made for us to receive a long time ago?   Our former village had this too. But before I get into that, know this. A letter, from believers to non-believers and those questioning, will come here IF they’re addressed to Santa Claus by whichever name you want to call him. Many times, we receive questions about everything. Sometimes, we also see a child’ artwork with their list and their thank you letters.   (Another elf, Holly MacSnow, walks over.) Hey visitors! I love Patty but she likes me to tell visitors the story of the roof. As it goes, Nicholas did not get letters truly until later (when he became more infamous). Letters used to come here from mystical beings near human settlements.   Then he needed some way to receive letters from mortals.   It became that all Guardians magically opened the roof. And then had any letter to one of Santa’s names fly up here and land in the old workshop, later to the new postal office.   Now you are asking how. How do we get your letters? They come on the magic of Christmas. Well, they truly come as magic brings them to us, but we still don’t understand it. Only Santa and the Guardians do.   (Holly walks off and allows Pat to finish.)   You heard Holly. Now, you see this department, the second largest department is one of the busiest locations in the realm.   You all seem to be staring up as thousands of letters pour down from the rafters. Amazing, right?! But you must know these elves are experts at looking at the letter and sending what the toy workshop needs.   The Postmaster is Hugo Esther.   Thank you guys! We will see you later!     Santa's North Pole Post Office is a huge facility run by Postmaster Hugo Cristobal Esther. Known as the Department of Christmas Letters, all letters addressed to Santa arrive and then get sorted for the toy workshop. Elves here are called Postal Elves. Other letters often received include questions and letters of thanks. Some children also send artwork as well.   Postmaster Hugo Esther is the head of the second largest department with thousands of elves under him. It is one of the busiest locations in the realm.
Post office


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