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Homo Sapiens


Homo Sapiens, commonly known as humans, are a species that evolved on Earth around 300,000 BC. In the universe of Ancient Sol, Homo Sapiens are referred to as Atlasians. They played a significant role in the development of human civilization and were pivotal in the colonization of Mars.  


Homo Sapiens evolved in Antarctica and South America and are known for their advanced technology and ambitious nature. They are characterized by their fair skin, tall and slender builds, and sharp, symmetrical features. Homo Sapiens have high cheekbones, straight noses, and piercing blue or green eyes that reflect their intelligence and ambition.  

Key Features

  • Physical Traits: Tall, slender, fair skin, high cheekbones, straight noses, blue or green eyes.
  • Clothing: Practical, high-tech clothing suited for scientific work and space travel. Includes form-fitting jumpsuits made from advanced materials, often adorned with holographic interfaces and biometric sensors.
  • Symbol/Icon: A stylized atom with orbiting electrons, representing their scientific prowess.
  • Significance in Ancient Sol

    Homo Sapiens were the first to land on Mars and establish a city there. They built Atlas City and helped establish New Marheus. Their technological advancements and ambitious projects, including space colonization and scientific research, made them a dominant force in Ancient Sol.  

    Notable Events or Figures

  • Emperor Theron: Led the first successful landing on Mars and established the city of New Atlantis.
  • New Marheus Massacre (11,303 PN): A significant event where the Atlasians' control led to violent conflict with the Marheons, igniting a rebellion and eventual Marheon independence.
  • World War (11,440 - 11,450 PN): Homo Sapiens played a central role in this catastrophic conflict that reshaped the political landscape of Ancient Sol.
  • Additional Information

    Social Structure

    Highly organized societies with complex social hierarchies, often centered around technological and scientific achievements.

    Facial characteristics

    Sharp and symmetrical features, high cheekbones, straight noses, and piercing blue or green eyes.

    Geographic Origin and Distribution

    Homo Sapiens were originally from Antarctica and South America but expanded to Mars and other planets within the Ancient Sol system.

    Average Intelligence

    Homo Sapiens are known for their high intelligence, characterized by advanced problem-solving abilities, scientific acumen, and technological innovation.

    Civilization and Culture

    Naming Traditions

    Typical names include both modern and ancient variations, often reflecting their scientific and exploratory heritage.

    Major Organizations

    Atlas Empire, Atlasian Security Forces, Atlasian Scientific Consortium.

    Average Technological Level

    Advanced, with significant achievements in space travel, colonization, and scientific research.

    Common Dress Code

    Practical and high-tech, favoring form-fitting jumpsuits with advanced materials and integrated technology.

    Culture and Cultural Heritage

    Highly ambitious and technologically driven, with a strong emphasis on scientific exploration and innovation.

    Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

    Celebrations of scientific milestones and space exploration achievements.


    Homo Sapiens evolved in Antarctica and South America around 300,000 BC. They played a significant role in the colonization of Mars and the establishment of the Marheon civilization. Their history is marked by notable events such as the New Marheus Massacre and the World War.

    Historical Figures

    Emperor Theron, General Marcus

    Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

    Homo Sapiens view other species such as Cyclopeans and Polygonals with cautious respect, acknowledging their strengths but wary of potential threats. Their relationships with other species are often influenced by their ambitious nature and drive for technological superiority.
    Genetic Descendants
    Scientific Name
    Homo Sapiens
    Antarctica, South America
    Average Physique
    Typically tall and slender, with well-defined musculature suitable for both physical activity and intellectual pursuits.
    Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
    Fair skin tones predominantly, reflecting their Antarctic origin.
    Geographic Distribution
    Related Ethnicities


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