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Liora Voss (lee-OR-ah VOSS)

Dr. Liora Voss (a.k.a. The Defector)


Dr. Liora Voss was a prominent Atlasian scientist who played a crucial role in the Marheon struggle for independence. Initially working for the Atlas Empire, she later defected to the Marheon Resistance, providing invaluable scientific and medical support to the cause of freedom.  


Liora Voss was born and raised within the Atlas Empire, where she received her education and began her career as a scientist. Her exceptional intellect and dedication to research led her to become involved in advanced medical nanotechnology projects. These projects were initially aimed at improving healthcare and combating diseases at a cellular level.  

Role in Ancient Sol

Dr. Voss's role in the Ancient Sol universe underwent a significant transformation. Initially, she was a respected scientist working on cutting-edge medical technology for the Atlas Empire. However, her discoveries were repurposed by the Empire for nefarious purposes, including population control and surveillance. This betrayal of her work's intended purpose led to her disillusionment with the Empire and eventually her defection to the Marheon Resistance.   As a member of the resistance, Dr. Voss became a key figure in providing technological and medical support to the Marheon cause. Her knowledge of Atlasian technology and her ability to develop countermeasures against it proved invaluable to the resistance efforts.  

Significant Events

  • Discovery of advanced medical nanotechnology (date unknown): Dr. Voss made breakthrough advancements in nanotechnology designed to heal wounds and combat diseases at a cellular level.
  • Revelation of the Empire's misuse of her research (date unknown): Voss discovered that her nanotechnology was being weaponized and used for population control and surveillance.
  • Defection to the Marheon Resistance (circa 11,303 PN): Following the New Marheus Massacre, Dr. Voss made the decision to join the resistance.
  • Development of countermeasures (11,303 PN - 11,313 PN): Voss worked tirelessly to create technologies that could neutralize the Empire's weaponized nanobots and protect resistance fighters.
  • Participation in the Marheon War of Independence (11,311 PN - 11,313 PN): Dr. Voss played a crucial role in providing medical support and technological advantages to the resistance forces.

Discovery and Betrayal

Dr. Voss's work on medical nanotechnology was initially heralded as a revolutionary advancement in healthcare. Her innovations had the potential to save countless lives and improve the quality of life for millions of Marheons. However, her joy and pride quickly turned to horror when she discovered the true intentions of the Atlas Empire.   In a high-level meeting with Atlas officials, the sinister plans for her technology were unveiled. The Empire intended to use the nanobots as a means of population control and surveillance. The same technology meant to heal was being repurposed to deliver neurotoxins and track individuals' movements. This revelation was a turning point for Dr. Voss, shattering her faith in the Empire and setting her on a path of resistance.  

Defection and Resistance Work

Following the New Marheus Massacre in 11,303 PN, Dr. Voss made the difficult decision to defect to the Marheon Resistance. Her expertise became invaluable to the resistance movement. She worked tirelessly to develop countermeasures against the very technology she had created, crafting devices to neutralize tracking nanobots and antidotes for the Empire's neurotoxins.   Dr. Voss's lab became a clandestine hub of resistance activity. She worked in secret, constantly evading the watchful eyes of the Empire, to provide the resistance with technological and medical advantages. Her efforts were crucial in leveling the playing field between the resistance fighters and the technologically superior Atlasian forces.   During the Marheon War of Independence (11,311 PN - 11,313 PN), Dr. Voss's contributions were instrumental. She not only provided medical support to injured fighters but also equipped the resistance with tools to combat the Empire's advanced weaponry. Her work saved countless lives and played a significant role in the ultimate success of the independence movement.  

Allies and Enemies

  • Marcus Kane: The leader of the Marheon Resistance, who valued Dr. Voss's scientific expertise and loyalty to the cause.
  • Talia Andros: A key member of the resistance who worked closely with Dr. Voss in organizing and supporting resistance activities.
  • Darius Kaelix: The influential voice of liberty who appreciated Dr. Voss's contributions to the resistance's technological capabilities.
  • Governor Arin Darnath: The Atlasian governor of Mars, who saw Dr. Voss's defection as a betrayal and sought to capture her.
  • Atlas Empire officials: Those who had manipulated her research for nefarious purposes and now viewed her as a dangerous traitor.


  Dr. Liora Voss's legacy in the Ancient Sol universe is complex and profound. Her initial work, though twisted by the Empire, laid the groundwork for significant advancements in medical technology. Her subsequent efforts with the resistance not only aided in achieving Marheon independence but also established ethical guidelines for the use of nanotechnology in the newly formed Marheon Republic.   After independence, Dr. Voss continued her work, focusing on using her expertise for the betterment of Marheon society. She became a key figure in shaping the new nation's scientific and medical policies, ensuring that technology would be used ethically and for the benefit of all citizens.   Dr. Voss is remembered as a symbol of integrity and redemption, someone who had the courage to stand up against the misuse of her work and dedicate herself to a just cause. Her story serves as a reminder of the importance of ethical scientific practices and the power of individual action in the face of systemic oppression.  


  • "Science without ethics is not progress, it's peril."
  • "I created this technology to heal, not to harm. I will spend the rest of my life ensuring it's used for its true purpose."
  • "The pursuit of knowledge must always be tempered with compassion and foresight."
  • "In the face of tyranny, neutrality is not an option for those who can make a difference."
  • "Our greatest weapon against oppression is not technology, but the unbreakable spirit of those who fight for freedom."

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Dr. Voss maintains good physical condition despite the stresses of her work. She has a slender build and moves with purpose, though signs of fatigue from long hours in the lab are often visible.

Body Features

  • Slender build, reflecting her focus on mental rather than physical pursuits
  • Slightly hunched posture from long hours of laboratory work
  • Hands marked by minor scars and calluses from scientific experiments

Facial Features

  • High forehead, indicative of her intellectual nature
  • Expressive eyebrows that often betray her emotions
  • Faint worry lines around her eyes and mouth, evidence of the stress she's endured
  • A determined set to her jaw, reflecting her resilience

Identifying Characteristics

  • A small scar on her left index finger from a laboratory accident
  • A barely noticeable limp in her right leg, possibly from an injury during her defection

Physical quirks

  • Habitually adjusts her glasses when deep in thought
  • Tends to tap her fingers in complex patterns when problem-solving
  • Often bites her lower lip when concentrating intensely

Special abilities

  • Exceptional understanding and manipulation of nanotechnology
  • Ability to quickly analyze and counteract Atlasian technological threats
  • Skilled in developing and adapting medical treatments for unique situations
  • Expertise in reverse-engineering and repurposing Atlasian technology
  • Rapid problem-solving skills in high-pressure scientific and medical situations

Apparel & Accessories

  • Always wears a white lab coat, symbolizing her dedication to science
  • Carries a high-tech data pad for quick access to research and calculations
  • Wears practical, comfortable shoes suitable for long hours in the lab
  • Often seen with a pen tucked behind her ear

Specialized Equipment

  • Custom-designed portable nano-analyzer for field research
  • Encrypted communication device for secure contact with resistance members
  • Prototype personal shield generator, a product of her defensive research
  • Advanced medical kit with specialized treatments for nanobot-related injuries

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Dr. Liora Voss began her career as a brilliant Atlasian scientist, specializing in advanced medical nanotechnology. Her groundbreaking work initially aimed to revolutionize healthcare, but was secretly repurposed by the Atlas Empire for population control and surveillance. The revelation of this betrayal, coupled with the New Marheus Massacre in 11,303 PN, led to her defection to the Marheon Resistance. As a key member of the resistance, she used her expertise to develop countermeasures against Atlasian technology and provide crucial medical support. Her efforts played a significant role in the Marheon War of Independence from 11,311 PN to 11,313 PN, helping to secure freedom for the Marheon people.


Advanced scientific education within the Atlas Empire, specializing in nanotechnology and medical research.


  • Lead Researcher, Atlas Scientific Consortium (pre-11,303 PN)
  • Scientific Advisor and Medical Support, Marheon Resistance (11,303 PN - 11,313 PN)
  • Head of Scientific Research, Marheon Republic (post-11,313 PN)

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Developed revolutionary medical nanotechnology
  • Successfully defected from the Atlas Empire to join the Marheon Resistance
  • Created countermeasures against Atlasian weaponized nanotechnology
  • Played a crucial role in the medical support of the Marheon Resistance
  • Contributed significantly to the success of the Marheon War of Independence
  • Helped establish ethical guidelines for scientific research in the Marheon Republic

Failures & Embarrassments

  • Unknowingly contributed to the development of oppressive technology while working for the Atlas Empire
  • Initially failed to recognize the Empire's true intentions for her research
  • Struggled with guilt over the misuse of her inventions against the Marheon people

Mental Trauma

  • Severe disillusionment and betrayal upon discovering the misuse of her research
  • Guilt and anxiety stemming from her unwitting role in the Empire's oppressive actions
  • Stress and fear associated with her defection and subsequent work with the resistance
  • Possible post-traumatic stress from experiences during the Marheon War of Independence

Intellectual Characteristics

Dr. Voss possesses a brilliant scientific mind, with a particular aptitude for nanotechnology and medical research. She has a keen analytical ability, allowing her to quickly adapt her knowledge to new challenges. Her experiences have also honed her problem-solving skills and ability to think creatively under pressure.

Morality & Philosophy

Dr. Voss's moral compass is deeply rooted in the ethical application of scientific knowledge. She believes in the power of science to improve lives but is acutely aware of the potential for misuse. Her experiences have led her to adopt a philosophy that emphasizes individual rights, the importance of informed consent, and the responsible use of technology. She advocates for transparency in scientific research and believes that the pursuit of knowledge should always be guided by ethical considerations. Voss is committed to rectifying the harm caused by her earlier work and uses her skills to actively support the cause of freedom and justice. She believes in the importance of personal responsibility and the power of individual action to effect change, even in the face of systemic oppression.


  • Using scientific knowledge for oppression or harm
  • Conducting research without informed consent
  • Prioritizing scientific advancement over ethical considerations
  • Betraying the trust of those who rely on her expertise
  • Remaining silent in the face of injustice or misuse of technology

Personality Characteristics


Dr. Voss is primarily driven by a desire to rectify the harm caused by her earlier work and to ensure that scientific advancements are used ethically. She is motivated by the pursuit of knowledge, the protection of individual rights, and the goal of creating a free and just society for all Marheons.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Strengths (Savvies):
  • Brilliant scientific mind, especially in nanotechnology
  • Quick problem-solving skills under pressure
  • Ability to adapt and repurpose technology
  • Strong ethical compass and sense of responsibility
  • Skilled in medical treatment and research
  Weaknesses (Ineptitudes):
  • Sometimes overly trusting of authority figures
  • Can become too focused on work, neglecting personal needs
  • Struggles with public speaking and large social gatherings
  • Occasional bouts of self-doubt due to past mistakes
  • Limited combat skills compared to other resistance members

Likes & Dislikes

  • Engaging in complex scientific research
  • Ethical applications of technology
  • Collaborative problem-solving
  • Quiet moments for reflection and theorizing
  • The challenge of reverse-engineering Atlasian technology
  • Misuse of scientific knowledge for oppression
  • Bureaucratic obstacles to research and progress
  • Willful ignorance and anti-scientific attitudes
  • The militarization of her inventions
  • Being reminded of her past work for the Atlas Empire

Virtues & Personality perks

  • Unwavering commitment to ethical scientific practices
  • Resilience in the face of adversity and personal guilt
  • Ability to inspire and mentor younger scientists
  • Strong sense of loyalty to the resistance cause
  • Exceptional creativity in applying scientific knowledge to practical problems

Vices & Personality flaws

  • Tendency to become obsessed with work, neglecting self-care
  • Occasional bouts of paralyzing guilt over past actions
  • Difficulty trusting authority figures due to past betrayal
  • Can be overly cautious in implementing new ideas due to fear of misuse
  • Struggles with accepting praise or recognition for her work

Personality Quirks

  • Mutters complex equations under her breath when stressed
  • Habitually reorganizes her workspace when facing a difficult problem
  • Tends to use scientific jargon in everyday conversation
  • Often loses track of time when engrossed in research
  • Has a habit of carrying a small notebook to jot down ideas at any moment


Dr. Voss maintains a high standard of personal hygiene, recognizing its importance in a laboratory setting. She is meticulous about cleanliness, often seen washing her hands thoroughly and ensuring her work area is sterilized. Her appearance, while not prioritized over her work, is always neat and professional.

Representation & Legacy

Dr. Liora Voss is often symbolized by a DNA helix intertwined with a phoenix, representing both her scientific expertise and her personal journey of redemption and rebirth. Her legacy includes the ethical guidelines for scientific research in the Marheon Republic, advancements in medical nanotechnology, and her role as a symbol of integrity in the face of systemic oppression. The Voss Institute for Ethical Science was established in her honor, continuing her work in ensuring responsible scientific advancement.


Contacts & Relations

  • Marcus Kane - Close ally and leader of the Marheon Resistance
  • Talia Andros - Fellow resistance member and collaborator
  • Darius Kaelix - Influential resistance figure who valued Dr. Voss's contributions
  • Various scientists and researchers in the Marheon Republic
  • Former colleagues in the Atlas Scientific Consortium (now strained or severed relationships)
  • Underground network of ethically-minded scientists across different civilizations

Religious Views

Dr. Voss is likely a secular humanist, placing her faith in scientific progress and human potential rather than any specific religious doctrine. She may view the ethical application of science as a form of spiritual fulfillment.

Social Aptitude

Dr. Voss is more comfortable in small group settings or one-on-one interactions, particularly when discussing scientific topics. She can be charismatic when explaining her work but may struggle in large social gatherings. Her confidence in her scientific abilities is tempered by humility regarding her past mistakes. She adheres to formal etiquette in professional settings but may appear somewhat awkward in casual social situations.


  • Often uses hand gestures to illustrate complex concepts
  • Tends to speak rapidly when excited about a scientific topic
  • Habitually pushes up her glasses when making an important point
  • Maintains direct eye contact during serious conversations
  • Has a tendency to pace while thinking through complex problems

Hobbies & Pets

  • Solving complex mathematical puzzles
  • Reading and staying updated on the latest scientific journals
  • Tinkering with and improving various laboratory equipment
  • Cultivating a small garden of medicinal plants
  • Practicing meditation to manage stress and focus her thoughts


Dr. Voss speaks with a clear, precise tone, often using technical language that reflects her scientific background. Her accent is a blend of Atlasian and Marheon influences. When discussing her work, her voice becomes animated and passionate. In tense situations, she may speak more rapidly. She rarely uses profanity, preferring scientific terminology even in moments of frustration. Her greetings are typically formal and professional, while her farewells often include an encouragement to "stay curious" or "keep questioning".

Wealth & Financial state

Dr. Voss likely had a comfortable lifestyle as a lead researcher for the Atlas Empire. However, after her defection, her focus shifted entirely to the resistance cause. In the post-independence era, while not wealthy in the traditional sense, she likely had access to significant research funding and resources in her role as a leading scientist in the Marheon Republic.
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Dr. (academic title)
  • Former Lead Researcher, Atlas Scientific Consortium
  • Chief Scientific Advisor, Marheon Resistance
  • Director of Ethical Scientific Development, Marheon Republic (post-independence)
Year of Birth
11270 BCE
Atlas City, Mars
Typically wears practical, lab-appropriate attire: a white lab coat over simple, comfortable clothing. Often seen with a data pad and various scientific instruments.
Intelligent and observant brown eyes, often filled with a mix of determination and remorse.
Shoulder-length dark brown hair, usually tied back in a practical bun or ponytail for lab work.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Fair skin, slightly pale from long hours spent in laboratories, with a few stress lines around the eyes and mouth.
5 feet, 6 inches
135 lb
Quotes & Catchphrases
  • "Science without ethics is not progress, it's peril."
  • "I created this technology to heal, not to harm. I will spend the rest of my life ensuring it's used for its true purpose."
  • "The pursuit of knowledge must always be tempered with compassion and foresight."
  • "In the face of tyranny, neutrality is not an option for those who can make a difference."
  • "Our greatest weapon against oppression is not technology, but the unbreakable spirit of those who fight for freedom."
  • "Every scientific breakthrough carries with it a moral obligation to humanity."
  • "The true measure of scientific achievement is not in its complexity, but in its capacity to improve lives."
Secular humanist, believing in the power of science and human potential rather than any specific deity.
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
  • Atlantek (fluent) - The primary language of the Atlasians and Marheons
  • Scientific terminology and jargon (expert level)
Character Prototype
Dr. Liora Voss embodies elements of the "conflicted scientist" archetype, similar to J. Robert Oppenheimer or Alan Turing. Her journey from unwitting contributor to oppression to key resistance figure mirrors characters like Galen Erso from Star Wars: Rogue One. Her dedication to using science ethically draws parallels to Dr. Ellie Arroway from Contact.


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