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Brinna was founded by the Tolorian after resettling from the surface. The Tolorian calendar, which has become standard in the afterdark, begins year 1 with the founding of the city as it marked a definitive new era for them. Brinna is one of the largest cities in the region and fills several interlinked caverns. As Brinna expanded many platforms were built throughout the main cavern and then the ancillary ones that allowed the city to fill the cavern in all dimensions. There was no central planning and the platforms were build ad hoc, resulting in complicated, circuitous connections between the different parts of the city sometimes requiring travelling further up or down to get to the next platform over. As travel between the different parts of the city is difficult by foot many of the richer residents have powered sky-carriages to get from place to place, though even these have limited utility in the main cavern as the platforms and their connections fill nearly all of the space. These carriages are of more use in the ancillary caverns, the furthest of which were explicitly planned with the use of sky-carriages in mind. The council of the Seven Seers is based in Brinna and there is a large temple built by the Seven Seers in the main cavern. The temple was once a place of pilgrimage but has since become more of an administrative center of the faith with smaller shrines dotting the city in the main cavern and the smaller caverns as well. Many of the raw materials produced in Riat are brought to Brinna for their final manufacturing. The heart of the city has some artisan shops, remnants of the time before Brinna became as large as it now is. The shops in the center of Brinna have generally been extant for centuries and a great deal of prestige comes with being an old shop. Most of the newer shops are built at the further edge of the various caverns, built there as the city grew into those caverns, with the intent of limiting the amount of raw materials that needed to be transported through the confusing and difficult city. As the city grew into yet more caverns these shops were overtaken by the city, but the planning was replicated again and again as caverns were occupied as it always seemed like a good idea at the time. The city is occupied primarily by Tolorians, though many other races live there as well. Notably absent are any Tian and very few Gusine live in the city relative to its size, population, and economic power. There are several guilds in the city, the largest being the Assembly Guild (dedicated to the production of various intricate inventions, most notably the sky-carriages).

Natural Resources

Almost no natural resources are present within Brinna's city limits. Imports are necessary for the survival of the city.
Founding Date
1 BF
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under


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