Kingdom of Kuvaria

The Kingdom of Kuvaria ("Kuvaria") is an ancient and powerful Anderian kingdom that lies in north-central western Anderium. It's territory expands from the southern foothills and forests of the Garthang Mountains to the west central Anderian praires. Kuvaria is quite strong and expansive, yet most commonly hold positions of defensiveness and isolation. They have often had border conflicts or disputes with their neighbour, the Kingdom of Syclas .


The nation of Kuvaria is one founded on the value of their independence and free spirits like many Anderian nation states. However, what seperates Kuvaria from it's many counterparts is it's pride in being a melting pot of all Anderium. Similar to the United Provinces , Kuvaria is home to many different species and ethnicities. As the only constitutional monarchy on the continent, the government values it's citizenry and grants them great freedom among the realm. The Kingdom holds it's beautiful natural landscapes in high regard and those that would dare pollute or disrespect them in any way will face wrath like no other in this country. As for the rest of the world, Kuvarians like to keep to themselves and make no secret of their love for their country.


Only recently has Kuvaria become a consitutional monarchy. For much longer, Kuvaria reigned as an absolute monarchy under an accept tyrannical King or Queen.

"Strong and beautiful western lands."

Founding Date
578 AAE
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
Leader Title
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Market economy
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Notable Members
Related Species
King Peter Davies, ruler of Kuvaria

Friendly - Unofficial

Kuvaria's king, much like Kyria tends to support the Insurgency without publically saying as much.

Uneasy Peace

The Kingdoms have most recently made an uneasy truce to conclude their border conflicts in light of the recent Northembrian Empire invasion of the Continent. Kuvaria in particular holds a grudge due to losing some southern territories in their last conflict.


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