Blazill Settlement in Andraous (Discontinued) | World Anvil
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The small town many consists of 'Grass Stalkers', though there are a handful of other Humans that have been adopted by the community.


The first line of defense for Blazill is camouflage. With much of their above ground structures being covered in grass, it is difficult to see the settlement without knowing what to look for.


With the settlement being recently discovered by outsiders more and more scholars, adventurers, and merchants have been visiting the settlement, each wanting to claim their fame. The scholars are eager to document every aspect of the 'Grass Stalker's' lives, wanting to be the first to be considered experts on their culture. Adventurers seek out the 'Grass Stalkers' for many reasons. for leads on maneaters or the locations of potential undiscovered 'A.O.' ruins. As for Merchants they are always on the lookout for new markets to sell their wares or buy new goods to bring to other settlements.   The locals however, are not happy with this, but with other human settlements starting to encroach on their territory from all sides, there is not many places that the 'Grass Stalkers' can go. Many will do their best to chase away outsiders before they reach the settlement.


Much of the settlement has been built from grass, bones, and hides.


The settlement is located near the heart of the Firadas Prairie, on top of a large hill.

Natural Resources

The settlement is surrounded by the wilds of the Firadas Prairie, so the community has a near endless supply of grasses, wild game, herbs, tubers, and more just outside of their homes.
Location under

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Cover image: by NorthWhiteWolf


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