
Eilistraee is the chaotic good goddess of beauty, song, dance, freedom, moonlight, and swordwork. Younger sister of Lolth and daughter of Corellon. She was the patroness and protector of the few dark elves who longed to return to the surface and live there, at peace with other races, and to abandon the endless conflicts and intrigues that dominated the lives of most drow.
  When Corellon was stuck down for showing mortals arcane magic, She and her sister, Lolth, repelled Gruumsh and his ilk. Ellistraee was more skilled with a sword than any other and is said to have discovered the art of bladesinging. Throughout the Dawn War she used this technique alongside the elves to defend the feywild from intruders.
  She was unaware of Lolth jealousy towards her father. When Lolth was banished and fleed after her attempt to usurp Corellon, Ellistraee was hurt and confused. She followed after her sister into the curse wishing to understand why Lolth would do such a thing. When confronted, Lolth scorned her sibling and attacked. Superior in skill, Ellistraee bested he sister and retreated, vowing to help the drow she brought her curse upon.
  During the War of Winter, Ellistraee worked to free prisoners of war and reunite families.
  After the Primal Mythal, Ellistraee worked closely with Moradin to free the Duergar and Drow under Lolth's influence.

Divine Domains

Ellistraee influences the Domains of Freedom, Moonlight, Swordwork, and Dance

Tenets of Faith

Ellistraee teaches her followers:  
  • Be always kind, save in battle with evil.
  • Aid drow in distress, and give them the Lady's message: "A rightful place awaits you in the Realms Above, in the Land of the Great Light. Come in peace and live beneath the sun again where trees and flowers grow."
  • Learn and teach new songs, dances, and the flowing dance of skilled sword work.
Divine Classification
Lesser Deity