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Alosa (A-low-saw)

Located atop a natural plateau, Alosa is a bustling city with thousands of residents, and many more transients. Historically a city state, it is currently a major city of the Anden Kingdom. Stretching nearly 3 miles across, the city sports a diversity of construction methods. The city is primarily a center for business and education, although it also acts as a trade hub.


Almost entirely human in species, the inhabitants of Alosa mostly come from the surrounding areas, although there are a decent number from farther way. However, what the population lacks in geographic diversity, they make up for in idealistic diversity. Because of the size of the city, even two people from the same general area often end up with different views based on where in the city they live. Even though most of the population is human, Alosa is one of a very few larger cities thas a small population of half-elves.


Since at least 500 BCE, the city was governed by a Duke who answered to a council of elders from the city. Following the conquest by the Anden Kingdom, the Duke then reported to an Arch Duke of the area. In addition, the council of elders became subsidiary to the new Duke, although still held much of their previous power.


Because of the natural plateau the city is built on, much of it's defense is based on fortifying the side of the plateau. In addition to this, there is an inner wall around the government district. Other than the walls, the positioning of the plateau on a fairly open plain, except for the forest 2 miles to the north, means that attacking groups can not get close without beeing seen, and can not get above the city easily.

Industry & Trade

Functioning primary as a cultural center, and economic safe house, Alosa has little industry, relying instead on the industries in the surrounding countryside for most of it's industrial needs. Alosa's trade flourishes as it acts as a safe pace for businesses to operate without fear of criminals or excessive taxation.


The city has 3 major districts. On the upper section of the plateau there is the government district, and in the lower areas are the trade and guild district, and the residential district. As you enter the city from the south-west, the first district that you come accross is the is the trade and guild district, with the offices of major guilds and trade companies. In addition, this district has most of the industry that happens inside of the city. In the north-west is the governmental district, and in the north-west is the residential area. Each district has a 2 represantatives in the council of elders, although they are not choses by the people of the district, but rather are implored to act in the intrest of the district.

Guilds and Factions

Because of it's relative safety, many guilds have the headquarters located within the city. Some of the major guilds that operate out of the city are one division of the Harper's Guild, the Architects of Arisola, and one branch of the Adventurer's Guild.


Founded around 1800 BCE, a time when barbarians and roaming tribes were a big threat in the area, the city acted as a safe haven for travelers going from the north side of the mountains to the south through the natural pass south of the city. The natural plateau made it easier to defend the city before any defensive structures had been built, and discouraged raiders from even attempting. In addition, to the high above the plains surrounding it, sentries on short structures could see parties approaching and send out soldiers to protect or attack them depending on who they are. This all resulted in the city being safer and far stabler than almost any other city of the time, with the exception of the Veldmathi cities, and the larger cities in the Mosgan. Over time, this safety attracted companies and guilds to operate out of the city. By around 1000 BCE the city was a bustling trade and business center.


Because of its location far to the north, the majority of the tourists that visit the city are on their way from one side of the mountains to the other. This means that there is no real tourism sector of business, except for inns, and stables.


Built over almost two thousand years, the architecture varies significantly from the city center and government district, to the outer edges. Nearer to the center of the city, most of the buildings are made out of large stone blocks and are very ornate, as the cheaper built buildings either fell apart, or were destroyed over the years. As you move outward, the buildings are more commonly built out of smaller stone blocks and bricks. Nearest to the outer wall, the majority of the buildings are timber framed with wood walls. However, there are several ornate wooden buildings that date back to around 1000 BCE, according to scholars, on the eastern side of the city near the spring.


Alosa is build on top of a natural plateau located just off of the major thoroughfare, the primary path up to the city climes nearly 500 feet up from the major road to the south. On the western side of the plateau there is a natural rise of about 100 feet, witch is where the government district is located. Near the center of the plateau, there is a natural spring witch provides water for the residents.
Founding Date
1800 BCE
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization


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