Valben Dur Geographic Location in Anglence | World Anvil
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Valben Dur

The ancestral home of the Veldmathi, Valben Dur is an ovular island located to the south east of Anglence. Ringed in mountains, the interior of the island is unknown to all but the Veldmathi.   Valben Dur literally means Ancestral Isle in the language of the Ancient Ones, from whom the Veldmathi derived their language.


While the specifics are known only by the Veldmathi, the island is known to have a ring of mountains surround a valley in the center of it. Because of the volcanic nature of the area, the mountain ring is fairly steep on the outside, with trees and vegetation sprawling from the base of the mountains.

Fauna & Flora

The trees and vegetation that grow on the outside of the island are similar to those that grow in on the mainland near to it. They primarily consist of medium height treas, bushes and short grass. As you go up the sides of the mountains, the vegetation gets shorter, and grass is less common. On the south side of the island in the gap, is a very lush old growth forest. Directly in the gap, most of the trees exceeding 50m in height and most are thousands of years old. The vegetation on the interior of the island is unknown, but legends say that it is primarily space old grow forest, somewhat similar to that in the gap.   In terms of fauna, it is substantially the same as on the mainland near the mountains. It is said that many mythical creatures roam the interior of the island, but none but the Veldmathi know for certain.


First settled by the Veldmathi around 25000 BCE. The island was discovered around 18000 BCE by the Ancient Ones. Humans did not set foot on the island until 7500 BCE, and the Arablat are not know to have visited the island, except for members of the Order of the Dragon Riders. Little other is know about the history of the island due to the secretive nature of the Veldmahi about their ancestral home.
Alternative Name(s)
Ancestral Island of the Veldmathi (Elves)
Owning Organization
Inhabiting Species


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