Gando-Veldmathi Organization in Anglence | World Anvil
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Gando-Veldmathi (gahn-dow-veld-math-ee)

The governmental body of the Veldmathi, it consists of a monarch, high council of Family Leaders and High Craftsmen, and various committees and lower councils. The monarch is elected by the rest of the body, and is regularly advised by them.
Founding Date
A long time ago
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
Elven Kingdom
Government System
Monarchy, Elective
Legislative Body
High Council of Family Leaders and head Craftsmen, with various committees and sub councils.
Judicial Body
There is no specific judicial body, but the high council and monarch mediate high profile cases.
Executive Body
Monarch, who is adviced by the high council.
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Related Species
Related Myths


The Anden Kingdom generaly perfers to not accept the existence of the Veldmathi


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