Veldmathi Species in Anglence | World Anvil
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Veldmathi (Veld-math-ee)

More commonly known as Elves, the Veldmathi are creatures of magic. Because of the general isolation, most humans know little to nothing of them other than legends. Because of their similarity to humans Veldmathi can often pass as humans with the help of minor illusions, witch most members of the species are capable.

Basic Information


The Veldmathi are generally humanoid. In appearance, the Veldmathi are similar to humans but are generally taller, and have no body hair, light skin, and pointed ears. Both males and females usually have long hair unlike humans.   Some individuals of the species use magic to modify their bodies to become more like a chosen animal.

Genetics and Reproduction

Because of how long the Veldmathi live, the birth rates per year are significantly lower than those of humans. Other than that, the Veldmathi are fairly similar to humas in reproduction.

Growth Rate & Stages

Veldmathi aging from newborn to around 2 years old grow fairly similar to humans. By 2 years old, a Veldmathi child can speak fairly fluent Fubaran, and begins to be able to do simple magic. From 2 to around 20, a Veldmathi matches in physical growth with humans. However, almost all Veldmathi from ages of 10 to around 50 can work a decent level of magic, beyond what most of them will be able to do later in life. Veldmathi's physical ageing slows significantly after around 20, so that they retain a youthful appearance long into their fourth century. Most Veldmathi do not apear old in human standards until at least their eighth century.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Veldmathi are usually found primarily on Valben Dur (Their ancestral home), and their few cities on the mainland. Individuals can sometimes be found in small numbers in the major human and Arbalt cities.

Average Intelligence

All Veldmathi are literate, and most would be considered highly intelligent by human standards.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The average Veldmathi has better improved sensory capabilities compared to humans. While generally good, this means that when they are in crowded environments they are more susceptible to sensory overload. In addition, Veldmathi have an innate sensitivity to magic. Even individuals who can not perform magic can often sense it. All Veldmathi are capable of limited telepath and receiving empathy (they can often sense a persons strong emotions when near them). Even non-magic users can preform some magic, usually in the form of a song, and relating to plant or self growth. In addition, because they are so connected to magic, their magic users are some of the most powerful in Anglence rivaling the dragons in their power.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

The Veldmathi offten associate by their family lineage, or their trade.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

All Veldmathi speak Fubaran from age 2, and many learn at least basic Leosmathi in the second or third century. Within the Veldmathi the pronunciation for Fubaran varies vary little, and what variation there is, is on an individual biases. Most Veldmathi that live on the mainland can speak and understand at least basic Common, and many are fully fluent in it.

Common Etiquette Rules

Veldmathi believe that courtesy is very important, primarily because of their long life spans. They have specific greetings for a large number of interactions. In addition, who starts a greeting changes depending on who has more power, the one with less usually starts the greeting.

Common Taboos

Almost all Veldmathi do not consume meat and other animal products as they see it as unnecessary cruelty. They do not server animal products, however they do not oppose to it's consumption in their presence. The Veldmathi do allow guest, especially dragons, to hunt for meat, so long as the meat stays away from their settlements.


The exact origins of the Veldmathi are lost to time, even for the Veldmathi historians. The first records come from primative, short lived groups living in the center of Valben Dur. The Veldmathi's life spans gradually increased with interaction with the Ancient Ones. The interaction with the Ancient Ones is also what gave the Veldmathi the innate magical ability.   The Veldmathi lived in general peace for many years. Occasionally they would fight with wild dragons who tried to roost on the mountains that ring Valben Dur. These battels were fairly small until the Last War of the Dragons. Following the creation of The Order of Dragon Riders, they, along with the humans increased in the magical aptitude because of the link formed between them and the dragons.   Following the war, the Veldmathi had more interactions with the other races until year 0, and the Disappearance of the Dragon Riders when they pulled out of much of their previous interactions with the humans. Beyond year 0, almost nothing of the goings on of the Veldmathi is known to the greater world, and few are still friend enough with them to vist their cities.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

The Veldmathi view themselves as better and wiser that most of the other races, with Arbalat coming in second because of their longer life spans. In most cases the Veldmathi view members of the shorter lived races (primarily humans) as children, because they do not have the wisdom or patience of the Veldmathi.


More commonly known as Elves, the Veldmathi are creatures of magic. Because of the general isolation, many humans no little to nothing of them other than legends. Because of their similarity to humans Veldmathi can often pass as humans with the help of minor illusions, witch most members of the species are capable.
ability score increase: Your Dexterity score increases by 2, and your Wisdom increases by 1
age: Veldmathi are not considered adults by their community until around 100 Veldmathi can live until around 1 200 years.
alignment: Most Veldmathi are usually work for good, although they often work more for societal that individual good.
Size: Medium
speed: Your base walking speed is 30 ft
Languages: You can speak, write, and read Common, and Fubaran. You can also speak and read basic Leosmathi.
race features:
Light footed. Your speed when moving stealthily is not effected by difficult terrain. In addition, you do not leave any trail in natural environments.
Darkvision. Accustomed to dim forests, you can in dim light up to 60ft as if it was bright, and in darkness as if it was dim. You can not perceive color in darkness.
Keen Senses. You have proficiency in Perception.
Magical Defense. Because of the magic in you blood you have advantage on all saving throws against being charmed and magic can not put you to sleep.
Innate Spellcasting. You can work minor illusions through songs in Leosmathi. You can also speak telepathically to others within 60 feet of you.
Trance. Veldmathi do not need to sleep, instead they meditate deeply, remaining semiconscious, for 4 hours a day. While meditating you can dream after a fashion. After resting in this manner, you gain the benefits of a long rest.
Magical Senses. You can use Detect Magic twice between long rests without using a spell slot. Use your intelligence modifier as the spell modifier.
Veldmathi Weapons Training. You have proficiency with the longsowrd, shortsword, shortbow, and longbow.
Genetic Descendants
800 years - 1 200 years
Average Height
1.8 - 2.2 m
Average Weight
≈ 55 - 90 kg
Average Physique
Similar to humans. Generally taller and leaner, they bodies are better built for flexibility. Neither gender has body or facial hair, and both have long hair.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Most commonly light skinned, however they can have beyond the normal human skin tones.
Geographic Distribution
Related Organizations
Related Myths


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