
Bonefish are an aquatic race that comprises the majority of the population in the aquatic regions of Chordata. Diverse in species, Bonefish encompass various aquatic creatures, including Sharks, Rays, Saltwater Fish, and Freshwater Fish. With their remarkable adaptability and magical advancements, Bonefish have transcended the limitations of their watery habitats to explore and thrive on land among the other races.  

Species and Diversity

  Bonefish encompass a wide array of aquatic species, each with its own unique characteristics and adaptations. Formidable Sharks coexist alongside enterprising Rays, flashy Saltwater Fish, and resilient Freshwater Fish. Despite their differences, Bonefish share many common traits forged by their shared aquatic heritage, probably most notably the ability to breathe underwater and incredible swimming skills.

Magical Advancements

  Through the utilization of potions, magical equipment, and enchanted artifacts, Bonefish have overcome the barriers between land and sea. Spells and enchanted articles of clothing enable Bonefish to transition between their aquatic and terrestrial forms, shifting their lower anatomy from tails into legs and back as needed. Potions and spells grant the ability to breathe air, while specialized helmets facilitate land travel for those who prefer to retain their gills.

Medical Procedures

  For Bonefish seeking a more permanent transformation, magical medical procedures inspired by the Amphibians offer the opportunity to transfigure their physiology. Wealthy and committed individuals can undergo these procedures to acquire the ability to breathe both in and out of water, enabling them to seamlessly navigate both aquatic and terrestrial environments.

Cultural Significance

  The Bonefish race embodies resilience, adaptability, and innovation, reflecting their ability to overcome challenges and embrace new opportunities. Their exploration of land and sea has facilitated cultural exchange and collaboration with other races, fostering mutual understanding and cooperation across diverse environments.

Interactions with Other Races

  Bonefish engage in diplomatic relations and cultural exchange with other races inhabiting Chordata, sharing their knowledge and magical advancements to promote mutual prosperity and understanding. Their ability to navigate both aquatic and terrestrial realms makes them valuable allies and mediators in the complex dynamics of the world.
Freshwater Fish
Saltwater Fish
Genetic Descendants


The diverse species of Bonefish make up the majority of the Aquatic regions' populations on Chordata. The primary species of Bonefish are categorized as Sharks, Rays, Saltwater Fish and Freshwater Fish. All species primarily reside in the waters, but due to certain magical advancements are able to travel and survive on land using a range of potions, magical equipment, and artifacts to various degrees of effectiveness.
ability score increase:
alignment: Any
Size: Medium
speed: 10ft Walking, 30ft Swimming
sub races:

Freshwater Fish

Less flashy and more humble than their Saltwater cousins, Freshwater Fish are happy to farm or labor and are strongly devoted to their families and communities.
ability score increase:
alignment: Usually good or neutral
Size: Medium
speed: 10ft Walking, 30ft Swimming
parent race: ]
race features:

Natural Camouflage

Though being less flashy may seem like a disadvantage, your natural colors camouflage you effortlessly in almost any environment. You gain advantage on all Stealth checks.


Rays are historically the wandering shepherds of the sea, guiding great shoals of fish much like an Earth shepherd would guide sheep. The species in each shoal vary from tribe to tribe, sometimes freshwater, sometimes saltwater.
The Rays and their flock share a symbiotic relationship, the Rays providing protection and leadership, and the flock providing labor and services for the Rays.
This relationship, while historically mutually beneficial, has been criticized in modern times as being akin to enslavement or a cult.
ability score increase:
alignment: Usually evil or neutral
Size: Large
speed: 10ft Walking, 30ft Swimming
parent race: ]
race features:

Barbed Tail

Your barbed tail is a natural melee weapon with a 10-foot reach, which you can use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with it, you deal piercing damage equal to 1d4 + your Strength modifier, plus target must make a DC 10 Constitution save or take an additional 1d4 lightning damage.

Saltwater Fish

The flashy Saltwater Fish are as diverse as they are beautiful. Consisting of a rainbow of colors and frills, it's no surprise they have largely positioned themselves as the upper class of the Bonefish. While possessing a range of personalities and skillsets as in any species, the stereotypical Saltwater is charismatic, proud (some might say arrogant) and erudite.
ability score increase:
alignment: Usually good or neutral
Size: Medium
speed: 10ft Walking, 30ft Swimming
parent race: ]
race features:

Dazzling Scales

Your dazzling scales, shining colors, and beautiful frills make others naturally attracted to you. You receive +2 to your Charisma score (to a maximum of 20) and advantage on Persuasion checks.


The Sharks are the most vicious of the Bonefish species. If damaged, their teeth regrow at nearly impossible rates, often within the same battlespan, providing them endless weapons. Sharks are confrontational by nature and love fighting. Many become disgruntled by a lack of stimulating conflict in their lives. As such, most sharks have turned to lives of crime and bullying. Sharks are fiercely loyal to their own packs. They are prideful of the strength they display despite their size, being able to intimidate creatures much larger than themselves. They love shows of strength and power, more so than diplomacy and wit. Disputes between themselves are settled with fisticuffs ("fin"ticuffs?).
ability score increase:
alignment: Usually evil or neutral
Size: Large
speed: 10ft Walking, 30ft Swimming
parent race: ]
race features:

Apex Predator

You are a natural predator built to seek out and extinguish when you smell blood in the water. You gain advantage in all saving throws against enemies whose current hit points are below their hit point maximum.
  You also have advantage on Intimidation checks if you've identified the target's weakness.

Deadly Bite

Your rows of deadly teeth are excellent natural weapons to make unarmed strikes with. If you succeed, you deal piercing damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier.
race features:

Skilled Swimmers

Due to water being your native habitat, you have advantage on rolls against non-water natives while underwater.


Whether underwater or on land using a magical modifier, you are a water creature at heart. You are resistant to cold damage, but weak to lightning damage.