Kangaroo Species in Animalia Galaxy | World Anvil


Among the Metatherian race, Kangaroos stand as the largest and most prevalent subrace, often accompanied by their close relatives, the Wallabies. Renowned for their widespread travels, Kangaroos traverse the diverse landscapes of Mammalia with a steadfast determination.

Protective Instincts

  Kangaroos exhibit a profound devotion to their offspring, fiercely guarding and nurturing their young as they journey across the nomadic trails. Their protective instincts are matched only by the formidable strength of their hind legs, which they employ both for defense and propulsion during their extensive travels.

Nomadic Wanderers

  With a propensity for exploration and a keen sense of adventure, Kangaroos epitomize the nomadic spirit of the Metatherian race. Whether forging paths through rugged terrains or engaging in bustling trade exchanges, they remain steadfast in their commitment to both their kin and their nomadic way of life.


The largest of the Metatheria, the Kangaroo and their cousins the Wallabies are perhaps the most common and well-traveled of their race. They are highly protective of their young and have extremely powerful hind legs.
ability score increase:
alignment: Any
Size: Medium
speed: 20ft Walking
parent race: [blocklink:


The Metatheria are a nomadic race of almost exclusively merchant class. Due to their built-in pouches, when they are not carrying their young they are able to utilize their own bodies to carry valuable items in a highly secure manner. They may travel in solitary or small family groups. They are typically strong communicators but otherwise lack well-developed social skills due to their nomadic lifestyles making it challenging to form social bonds with others. This results in the Metatheria being stereotyped as socially awkward and/or apathetic, which is not necessarily accurate for every member of the race (although it's not necessarily inaccurate either...).
ability score increase:
alignment: Any
Size: Medium
speed: 20ft Walking
sub races:
race features:

Gift of Gab

After generations and generations of merchants and similar occupations in your ancestry, you're born with an inherent gift for gab. You are proficient in persuasion and are able to negotiate a d% discount on goods purchased from other merchants.


Your natural pouch provides you with additional carrying space, increasing your carrying capacity to that of one size larger. You also have advantage on sleight of hand saving throws due to the security of your pouch.
race features:

Aussie Jump

Your powerful hind legs allow you to long jump 20 feet or high jump 10 feet without requiring a running start.

Kangaroo Kick

You rear back on your stabilizing tail and give two powerful kicks with each leg for 2d10 bludgeoning damage + your strength modifier. Target must make a DC10 Strength Check or they are knocked prone and unconscious (lose 1 turn).