Wombat Species in Animalia Galaxy | World Anvil


Wombat Metatheria are small creatures that are predominantly nocturnal, thriving under the cover of darkness as they scavenge for resources and conduct their business. Their affinity for the night sky contrasts sharply with their disdain for personal hygiene, a trait that sets them apart from their peers.

Burrowing Experts

  Wombat Metatheria excel in the art of burrowing, utilizing their powerful claws and keen senses to navigate underground tunnels swiftly and efficiently. Their proficiency in burrowing allows them to create intricate networks of tunnels and quickly seek refuge when threatened.

Rodent-like Features

  Wombats boast rodent-like front teeth and powerful claws, which they employ both for burrowing and self-defense. Their fur comes in various colors, with a unique ability to glow under ultraviolet light, adding to their enigmatic allure.

Supplier Role

  While Wombats may engage in trade and commerce, they are more commonly found as suppliers for other Metatherian merchants or serving as merchants and shopkeepers for races beyond their own. Their role as suppliers highlights their resourcefulness and adaptability within the nomadic lifestyle of the Metatherian race.


Burrowing deep into the ground, Wombat Metatheria are small, night-loving creatures, who have little respect for property ownership and low levels of personal hygiene.
  Wombats are bipedal, with rodent-like front teeth and powerful claws. Their fur varies in colour and they glow under ultraviolet light. Wombats have keen senses and are aggressively territorial. When under threat, they are able to quickly burrow and hide in tunnels.
  In contrast to their Metatheria cousins, they are less often merchants themselves and are more likely to be suppliers for other Metatheria merchants, or merchants/shopkeepers of other races.
ability score increase:
alignment: Any
Size: Small
speed: 20ft Walking, 20ft Burrowing
parent race: [blocklink:


The Metatheria are a nomadic race of almost exclusively merchant class. Due to their built-in pouches, when they are not carrying their young they are able to utilize their own bodies to carry valuable items in a highly secure manner. They may travel in solitary or small family groups. They are typically strong communicators but otherwise lack well-developed social skills due to their nomadic lifestyles making it challenging to form social bonds with others. This results in the Metatheria being stereotyped as socially awkward and/or apathetic, which is not necessarily accurate for every member of the race (although it's not necessarily inaccurate either...).
ability score increase:
alignment: Any
Size: Medium
speed: 20ft Walking
sub races:
race features:

Gift of Gab

After generations and generations of merchants and similar occupations in your ancestry, you're born with an inherent gift for gab. You are proficient in persuasion and are able to negotiate a d% discount on goods purchased from other merchants.


Your natural pouch provides you with additional carrying space, increasing your carrying capacity to that of one size larger. You also have advantage on sleight of hand saving throws due to the security of your pouch.
race features:


As a nocturnal marsupial, your tiny eyes work better at night. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern colour in darkness, only shades of grey.


As a reaction to being attacked, once per short rest you can dig a small tunnel and hide in it, giving disadvantage to any attacks against you. You cannot take any attack actions whilst in the tunnel. You must spend a bonus action to leave the tunnel again.