Possum Species in Animalia Galaxy | World Anvil


Within the Metatherian race, Possums emerge as masters of adaptability and social acumen, renowned for their eloquence, resourcefulness, and signature "playing possum" tactic.

Gift of Gab and Adaptability

  Possums possess an unparalleled gift of gab, effortlessly navigating social interactions with their charming wit and persuasive demeanor. Their adaptability allows them to thrive in diverse environments, scavenging and trading their findings with remarkable efficiency.

Family-Centric Communities

  Possum families are renowned for their size, often comprising anywhere from six to twelve young, if not more. In their nomadic lifestyle, Possums travel in close-knit groups, forming larger caravan communities where they raise their offspring communally. These communal bonds foster strong familial connections among Possums, transcending blood ties and uniting them as a cohesive and supportive community.


Possum Metatheria are most know for their gift of gab, adaptability and "playing possum". When they're not scavenging and trading off their finds, they're either helping raise their large families or spending what they just earned.
  Possum families tend to be large ones, with the amount of young numbering anywhere from 6 to 12, and occasionally more! Because they have such large family units Possums tend to travel with a few other Possum families, or in even larger caravan groups where they raise their young communally, though its not completely unusual to see a lone family raising their own young. Being raised in large communal groups gives most of their race strong familial type bonds to each other, whether they're actually related or not.
ability score increase:
alignment: Usually good or neutral
Size: Medium
speed: 20ft Walking
parent race: [blocklink:


The Metatheria are a nomadic race of almost exclusively merchant class. Due to their built-in pouches, when they are not carrying their young they are able to utilize their own bodies to carry valuable items in a highly secure manner. They may travel in solitary or small family groups. They are typically strong communicators but otherwise lack well-developed social skills due to their nomadic lifestyles making it challenging to form social bonds with others. This results in the Metatheria being stereotyped as socially awkward and/or apathetic, which is not necessarily accurate for every member of the race (although it's not necessarily inaccurate either...).
ability score increase:
alignment: Any
Size: Medium
speed: 20ft Walking
sub races:
race features:

Gift of Gab

After generations and generations of merchants and similar occupations in your ancestry, you're born with an inherent gift for gab. You are proficient in persuasion and are able to negotiate a d% discount on goods purchased from other merchants.


Your natural pouch provides you with additional carrying space, increasing your carrying capacity to that of one size larger. You also have advantage on sleight of hand saving throws due to the security of your pouch.
race features:


You have strongly dilated pupils that allow you to see well in the dark, granting you darkvision out to 60 feet.

Possum Play

As a reaction to an attack you can drop prone and play dead. Anyone you're attempting to fool must succeed on an Insight check equal to 10 + your Charisma Modifier. If failed they will believe that you are dead and disengage. This ability can only be used once per short or long rest.