
Panther Felidae, also known as Leopard Felidae, distinguish themselves with their agility, stealth, and remarkable camouflage abilities. Renowned for their adeptness in navigating varied terrain and blending seamlessly into their surroundings, Panthers excel in professions that demand stealth, agility, and a keen sense of awareness.

Agility and Stealth

  Panther Felidae possess unparalleled agility and stealth, allowing them to move swiftly and silently through any environment. Their natural ability to hide and camouflage themselves makes them exceptionally suited for professions such as spies, thieves, and scouts, where discretion and subtlety are paramount.

Climbing Abilities

  Proud of their exceptional climbing abilities, Panther Felidae frequently seek out professions that require traversing challenging terrain, including mountains, trees, and other natural obstacles. Whether scaling steep cliffs or navigating dense forests, Panthers demonstrate unmatched skill and dexterity, making them invaluable in roles related to rescue, guidance, and resource gathering.

Professions and Occupations

  Panther Felidae are drawn to occupations that allow them to utilize their agility, stealth, and climbing abilities to their fullest potential. In addition to roles as spies, thieves, and scouts, Panthers excel in professions that require navigating rugged terrain, such as mountaineering, forestry, and wilderness exploration. Their adaptability and resourcefulness make them well-suited for a variety of tasks and responsibilities.

Cultural Significance

  Panther Felidae contribute to the cultural diversity and richness of Felidae society, with their unique skills and abilities shaping the landscape of professions and occupations within their community. Valued for their agility, stealth, and climbing prowess, Panthers play a vital role in roles related to reconnaissance, exploration, and survival in challenging environments.

Interactions with Other Races

  Panther Felidae are respected and admired by other races for their exceptional skills and abilities, particularly in roles related to espionage, reconnaissance, and wilderness survival. While they may prefer solitude and independence, Panthers are known for their loyalty and dedication to their allies and companions, making them valued members of multi-species endeavors and collaborations.


Panther Felidae, also sometimes called Leopard Felidae, are known for being agile and stealthy. With a natural ability to hide and camouflage themselves, they are incredibly adept at professions like spies, thieves, and scouts. However, they are also known for being proud of their climbing abilities and are frequently found working in professions that require climbing mountains, trees, or other terrain, including roles in rescue, guidance, and resource gathering.
ability score increase:
alignment: Any
Size: Medium
speed: 30ft Walking, 10ft Climbing, 10ft Swimming
parent race: [blocklink:


Felidae Chordatans are well known as being one of the most educated races among Mammalians, and arguably among all races. Their innate curiousity and thirst for knowledge drives them to be true lifelong learners. Due to the value their society places on education, most members of society complete some course of study whether it be academic, magical, or artistic.
Felidae tend to meet most situations practically considering all accumulated knowledge at their disposal. They prefer not to jump to conclusions or make decisions with incomplete data. They are also incredibly observant, enabling them to perceive information that others might miss. The result is the Felidae being regarded as some of the best strategists as well.
Felidae tend to be fairly private, living alone or in intimate family groups.
ability score increase:
alignment: Any
Size: Medium
speed: 30ft Walking, 10ft Climbing
sub races:
race features:


Your eyes see exceptionally well in the dark. You can see 60 feet in dim light as if it were bright light and in darkness as if it were dim, though only in shades of grey.

Nine Lives

When you are reduced to Zero   hit points you can immediately regain one hit point. You can use this ability as many times per day as your CON modifier, minimum of once, per long rest.

Feline Agility

Your reflexes and agility allow you to move with a burst of speed. When you move on your turn in combat, you can double your speed until the end of the tum. Once you use this trait, you cannot use it again until you move 0 feet on one of your turns.
You also take half rounded down fall damage, if you take any.
race features:

Jungle Cat

Unlike most of your brethren, you enjoy spending time in the water. You have a swimming speed of 10ft.

Agile Climber

Your climbing speed increases to 20 feet as long as you are not encumbered or wearing medium or heavy armor.

Feline Grace

You have proficiency in one of the following skills of your choice: Acrobatics or Stealth.