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Fort Mothar

This white fortress sits squarely at the Dornogovi River to guard against sea attack along the Skeleton Coast.


90% human, 5% demi-human, and 5% all else.


The Fort is managed by a stratocracy with a ruling mayor selected from the ranks of the army. This mayor is subservient to the Ba'al, who is the ruling vote for the Advent Hegemony. The current mayor is Vigor Salonus and the current Ba'al is Abram Greycloak. The courts are managed by militant priests and they dole out the punishment for infractions of the law.


A walled city with a standing army of devoted and highly skilled soldiers. Their ranking general, Vigor Salonus, is also the current mayor. The army wears light armor, shield, spear, and sword. Most use slings or short bows for missile attacks.

Industry & Trade

They trade almost exclusively by sea. With their military weakened by the recent siege, they do not have the manpower to patrol the road. Kemmer's Stand has helped protect the road, but it is still quite hazardous, especially south through the Burren.


The Coastal Trail was securely patrolled from the Burren to the Breakwater Bypass, but the recent siege has weakened the Fort's offensive capabilities. They have widened and channeled the Dornogovi River to allow access to the Cerulean Sea.


The area is known for hardwood and tobacco. In addition, the fighting men of the Fort are second to none.

Guilds and Factions

Strictly devoted to the All-Father, the Fort has an order of militant priests.


Prior civilizations recognized the importance of this calm port and the wooden fort that existed prior to the Hellscream War was transformed into the stout, stone structure it is today. It is rumored that ruins of Antigonian or Elven origin lie beneath the Fort.

In March 97 PH The Wyrgan King Arraman and his goblinoid army lay siege to Fort Mothar until repelled in November 99 PH. Guerilla attacks by Motharran forces and smuggling of food by sea were instrumental in the victory.


White buildings with wide arches, lattice doors, and lodgepole or grass roofs.
Alternative Name(s)
Mothar, Fort White
Large town
around 6000
Inhabitant Demonym
Motharran, Dornogovi
Owning Organization

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