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St. Sebastian

Founded as a monastery along the coast, St. Sebastian is situated at the crossroads of trade, with a major land route providing traffic north to south and stable harbor for sea trade to the inland.


85% human, 10% demi-human, and 5% all else.


Founded as a theocracy after the Hellscream War, people found the government too confining and restrictive of their trade with outside peoples. In 38 PH the populace rose up and overthrew the religious rule and formed a meritocracy.


The city enjoys two things that greatly enhance its defense: there is a magical ward that prevents arcane magic from functioning in the city and the canals impede any organized movement by a large force. A standing watch of warrior monks and sell swords defends the city.

Industry & Trade

Famous for the Mothar-Garron horseraces, in which contestants from those two cities used to compete by following a street track along the perimeter of the main island. Now, with Garron's Overlook in ruins, the races still occur but nobody has bothered to alter the name. The region is known for its wine, dairy, cattle, and fine horseflesh.


Famous for its libraries, St. Sebastian mimicked Wycliffe and constructed a magical ward to protect the city. Also, built on an island, much of the city is navigable by canals.


Founded after the Hellscream War as a rigid theocracy by Abdel Durba Khando, St. Sebastian has always been a location of learning and study. It is a strategically important area for getting goods and men ashore and then moving them north and south as needed along the Coastal Trail. Initially, this was for military reasons, but it has allowed the city to prosper on trade.

This trade also led to the downfall of the theocracy. Unable to tolerate the strict religious rules and weary of turning away traders and profits from those who did not follow the All-Father faith, commoners and merchants rose up to overthrow the theocracy. In 38 PH this revolt happened and the merchants reached a compromise with Ba'al Ekram Daqo Khando. Keeping the current ruling family of Khando in place, Ekram established a meritocracy and assures his family's rule by founding the Rus'ba--the Bone Lineage.

Oddly enough, the dissolution of the theocracy has not damaged the worship of the All-Father. This tolerance of outside faiths has allowed many cultures to interact with the city and be exposed to the All-Father, leading to the conversion of those peoples.


Two and three-story buildings on small pockets of land that are connected by bridges and canals, the city employs an entire system of ferries and porters to keep goods and people moving through the city.
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization

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