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This sprawling city sits atop a massive cliff, just west of the confluence of two rivers.


85% human, 10% demihuman, 5% all else


The city is ruled by the leaders of a religious order. A group of All-Father Priests, one of each domain, called The Ensemble.


The city has the cliff to guard the seaside and a stone wall along the landward side. The city is defended by a powerful magical ward that prevents arcane magic from working within the city limits. The laws are enforced by a strict, orderly city watch.

Industry & Trade

Wycliffe is a center for knowledge and art, also known for exporting grains, fish, sheep, wool, cattle, pottery, tobacco, spirits, and ships.


Wycliffe employs a system of elevators and cranes to move cargo from the sea-level to the city level. The cliff is also carved with many caverns and staircases to the city proper. Wycliffe also enjoys plumbing. After the flood, engineers figured out a way to move water from the river to a cistern under the city, so the city could be moved to higher ground.


Ideal region for cabbages (sauerkraut) and beets (sugar beets and red beets). Wycliffe is also known for its theater scene.


Shortly after its founding as a city of the Kolme Pact, Wycliffe suffered a disastrous flood in 88 CY.

Originally located farther north and more inland to enjoy the proximity of the river, it was flooded during a year of heavy rains. A large sawmill upriver, the Peavy-Byrnes Mill, restricted the flow of the water to power the mill. As the river rose and collected debris, this formed a dam allowing water to collect. Under this pressure, the structure of the mill swept away and Wycliffe was hit by a wall of water and debris, fifty feet high and moving over forty miles an hour. This disaster leveled the town, killing 90% of the population, and forcing the survivors to relocate. Some of the victims washed ashore at Kunger. There are reports of victims surfacing at Wycliffe thirty years later.

The ruins of old Wycliffe lie buried under soiled moved by the river.

Survivors relocated the city above the cliff and built a wooden fort. As commerce and population grew, the city expanded and was fortified with a stone wall. The demands of the new location forced engineers to figure out a way to move fresh water from the river and move cargo from ships to the city. Wycliffe today is a marvel of technology and culture while remaining true to the All-Father faith.

Alternative Name(s)
White Cliff
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
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