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Horden , Dragon King of Cambia

Horden , Dragon King of Cambia

Horden was a Dragon King of Cambia and the father of Zarka, Dragon King of Cambia

He was the son of Berylda, Dragon Queen of Cambia and Amrak Hammerbrow .

During the aftermath of the Night of the serpent , an assassination attack on the cambian royal family that resulted in the death of queen Berylda and king consort Amrak and the disfigurement of Horden, he was to be crowned within a week. One of the assassins was arrested and interrogated, revealing to have been sent by Ganameade. 3 days after the attack, a funeral was held for the queen and king consort, to which the chained assassin was present as ordered by Horden. Horden is said to have told the assassin: "This is the day you will look back on, as the last day of peace you will ever know."

The coronation took place the next day, to which the assassin was also present, as per Horden's orders. He is said to have told him: "This is the first day of the rest of your life as a witness to your mistake."

The first official act of horden after the coronation was to launch an attack on Ganameade , who was behind the deaths of his parents, which led to The Siege of Dragonhorn and the following Cambian-Ganameade War .


Horden , Dragon King of Cambia


Towards Maerlyn



Towards Horden , Dragon King of Cambia

1583 AC 1823 AC 240 years old
Maerlyn (spouse)


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