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Aelanor Uhl'Olathe (ail-ah-NOR ul-oh-LOTH)

Aelanor Uhl'Olathe is the third child of Fiaéain IV, the Queen of Olathe. Aela, as he is called, is more than sixty years younger than his two older siblings, Prince Aelerís and Crown Princess Fiaéain V—the two of whom are only five years apart in age. While Aela is an adult, he has yet to take on any serious responsibilities in court, though he has become a popular socialite with a prolific circle of friends and admirers. Since he was quite young, he has shown himself to be a charismatic, clever, and charming young man with great skill in art, poetry, and song.   Though Aela is not in line to inherit the throne and has yet to make a noteworthy place for himself in court politics, many courtiers consider him to be one of the most desirable members of the royal family. Of course, at merely sixty years old, Aela is still several decades away from a suitable age for marriage, though court rumors seem to suggest that for many, marriage is not the goal. Tales—some certainly fabricated, some entirely likely—of Aela's new dalliances reach the ears of the court on a near-daily basis. The royal family, it seems, makes no meaningful effort to curtail him.
Full Name
Prince Aelanor Uhl'Olathe
Titles & Styles
His Royal Highness The Prince
Date of Birth
The 45th of Dawning, 656 YC
Year of Birth
656 YC 62 Years old


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