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Aeríle Er'Aldomis (air-EEL er-al-DOM-is)

Aeríle is the first husband of Fiaéain IV, the Queen of Olathe, and he is the father of all four of her children. Their marriage was arranged by Fiaéain II, the Third Queen of Olathe, who chose Aeríle because he was a very desirable match: he hails from a highly-regarded aristocratic bloodline of sorcerers, the House of Aldomis, a lineage recognized as possessing a Lunar Gift second only to to the House Uhl'Olathe. Despite that their marriage was arranged, Aeríle and Fiaéain are known to have a loving partnership. As the husband of the Queen, he bears the title of Prince-Consort, and he serves as Fia’s husband for matters of ceremony. He also participates in some court functions, but his role is largely apolitical.   Aeríle is the father of all Fiaéain's children, including Prince Aelerís, the Serene Master of the Knights of the Scarlet Lotus; Princess Fiaéain Aerine V, a skilled sorceress next in line for the throne of Olathe; Prince Aelanor, an artist and popular socialite; and the young Prince Aesling.


Full Name
Prince-Consort Aeríle Er'Aldomis Ist'Olathe
Titles & Styles
His Serene Highness The Prince-Consort
Aeríle, Consort of the Lunar Sovereign
Queen Fiaéain IV
Prince Aelerís Er'Olathe
Crown Princess Fiaéain Uhl'Olathe V 
Prince Aelanor Uhl'Olathe 
Prince Aesling Uhl'Olathe


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