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Tomb of Kandarert

A labyrinthine tomb, apparently lost deep within the Andredsweald. Designed to trap and contain the Wight Kandarert and his malign influence.   It lay undisturbed for centuries, quietly guarded by the Elves of Daenor. However, in 1534, Kandarert was reawoken by the nearby dark activity of Salenis Vendari. Once again roaming its corridors, Kandarert's influence reactivated many of Undead in the area.   Noticing this activity, Lavanel Daenorin set out from her home toward the Human settlements. Here, she met the Thanes of Order who aided in the destruction of Kandarert.   In his possession was the Ring of Obfuscation.


1000 years ago, a great warrior by the name of Kandarert had beaten many on the battlefield. However, he saw an omen of his oncoming death, and the death of his best friend. He made a pact with Oloch, god of the dark, that if they were to die in battle, they would not leave the world, but return as a warrior of the dark. An agent of Oloch gave Kandarert the Ring of Obfuscation as the bond for this pact.   The omen proved true and Kandarert and his friend (whose name was lost to history) died in an epic battle. However, several days after being laid in their tombs, he returned as a Wight. For decades following the final battle of the war, they terrorised the local area, hungering for life and creating more undead.   Eventually, a nomadic tribe of Wood-elf warriors passed through the area and at the request of the people drove the Wights back into their tomb and using magic sealed the friend into an alcove and drove the soul of Kandarert into the Ring of Obfuscation.   Those Wood-elves swore a pact to remain and guard the tomb to prevent the Unquiet Dead from rising again. They caused the nearby forest to grow over the tomb to help it be forgotten and unentered, lost to time. This became the Andredsweald and Daenor.
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