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House Aurelius

A noble household in the Kingdom of Anduril, the head of which holds the title of Duke of Roer. Their territory covers the South-Eastern territory of Roer, with much of their land being devoted to farmland and lumber development. Their seat of power is Einhel City, located in the Western frontier of their territory.   House Aurelius was elevated to nobility during the unification of Anduril. The first Duke Aurelius - General Bartholomew Aurelius, loyal vassal and friend to Gregory el Leander - took part in the war against Frederick the Vile and managed to defeat the tyrant and take over Ein Outpost. Following the unification of the Stolen Lands and foundation of the Kingdom of Anduril, the Ein Outpost became part of the territory entrusted to Gregory el Leander (now Archduke of Anduril). For his long-standing service and military brilliance in claiming this outpost, Bartholomew Aurelius was made a Duke, and all the land from the Ein Outpost to the Red Ocean was given into his care. Bartholomew made Ein Outpost - now called Einhel - his seat of power, and eventually the number of settlers flocking to the safety of its walls led to the construction of the outer wall that surrounds Einhel City today. Since then, House Aurelius stood vigil over their section of the Kingdom, maintaining the values and practices that they inherited generation from generation.   It is believed by some scholars that the outpost - and later, the city - was built on what was once an ancient city from a civilization that predates Anduril by several millenia. The caverns underneath Einhel are indeed vast and numerous, though they are mainly sealed off and inaccessible.   The current head of the family is Cyril Aurelius, a devout follower of the Church of Aidios known for being both fair and strict, albeit dogmatic about the teachings of the Church. His wife, Valerie Aurelius, lends a softer hand to their governance, being a well-loved public figure, especially among the citizens of Einhel City. Duke Aurelius is set to be succeeded by his only son, Atticus Aurelius.   House Aurelius' crest is a noble mustang, with their colors being warm greens and yellows. They respect honor and devotion to a cause, as well as being known for being highly pious.

"For our King, for honor, and for Lady Aidios, we stand vigil."

Political, Family
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