Austinch Settlement in Aradia | World Anvil

Austinch (AW-stin-ch)


SpeciesPercentage of Population
Human 45%
Elves 30%
Beastkin 15%
Dwarves 5%
Gnomes 3%
Dragonkin 2%
Wealth ClassPercentage of Population
Upper Class 10%
Upper Middle Class 20%
Middle Class 35%
Lower Middle Class 25%
Lower Class 10%
ProfessionPercentage of Population
Farmers/Agricultural Workers 20%
Craftsmen/Artisans 15%
Merchants/Traders 12%
Skilled Laborers 18%
Unskilled Laborers 10%
Clergy 5%
Scholars 8%
Healers/Medical Practitioners 7%
Artists/Entertainers 5%


Roads and Transportation

Austinch features a network of well-maintained roads and pathways that connect different parts of the town. These roads are paved with locally sourced materials and provide easy access to key areas.

Public Buildings

The town center boasts a town hall, where local government activities take place. It also serves as a meeting place for community gatherings and events. A central marketplace serves as a hub for trade and commerce, with stalls and shops offering a variety of goods. A public library provides access to books, scrolls, and educational resources for the town's residents. An inn and tavern provide accommodation and dining options for travelers passing through Austinch.


Residential areas in Austinch consist of a mix of housing types, including cozy cottages, townhouses, and larger family homes. Most are constructed from locally sourced wood and stone.


Surrounding the town are fertile farmlands where residents engage in agriculture. Fields of crops, orchards, and pastures contribute to the town's self-sufficiency in food production.

Commerce and Industry

Craftsmen and artisans have workshops where they create various goods, including textiles, pottery, and metalwork. A few mills and smithies are located on the outskirts of town, catering to the needs of the local population and supporting trade.

Religious Sites

Austinch has a modest temple or shrine dedicated to a deity or deities of the local religion. It serves as a place of worship and reflection for the townspeople.

Healthcare Facilities

There is a clinic or small hospital where healers and medical practitioners provide healthcare services to the town's residents.

Educational Institutions

A school or academy in Austinch offers basic education to the town's children. It focuses on fundamental subjects, including reading, writing, and basic arithmetic.


While Austinch is generally peaceful, there is a small guard or militia force responsible for maintaining order and security within the town.

Water Supply

A reliable water supply system, often sourced from nearby rivers or wells, ensures that residents have access to clean water.


  • Marketplace District: This district is the heart of Austinch's commerce and trade. It includes the central marketplace, where vendors and merchants from various backgrounds gather to sell their goods. Shops, stalls, and trading posts line the bustling streets. The marketplace district is open to wanderers and visitors, providing them with a vibrant experience of the town's economic activities.
  • Residential Districts: Austinch has several residential districts, each with its unique charm. These neighborhoods house the town's population and are composed of cottages, townhouses, and larger family homes. Each district often has a distinct character, from the quaint cottages near the forest to the more urban townhouses near the marketplace.
  • Craftsmen's Quarter: This district is home to the town's craftsmen and artisans. It is where skilled workers create a variety of goods, including textiles, pottery, metalwork, and more. The Craftsmen's Quarter is known for its workshops, where visitors can observe artisans at work and purchase their creations.
  • Clerical Enclave: In this district, you'll find the town's religious institutions, including temples and shrines. It's a serene area where residents and visitors come for spiritual guidance and worship. The clergy who reside here play an essential role in the town's cultural and moral fabric.
  • Educational Precinct: This district houses Austinch's school or academy, where children receive their education. It also includes the public library, providing access to knowledge and learning resources for residents of all ages.
  • Healer's Quarter: Here, you'll find the town's clinic or small hospital where healers and medical practitioners provide healthcare services to the community. It's a vital district for residents' well-being.
  • Town Hall Square: At the heart of Austinch stands the town hall, which serves as a hub for government activities and community gatherings. The Town Hall Square is a focal point for official events, celebrations, and announcements.
  • Outskirts and Farmlands: Surrounding Austinch are the farmlands and open spaces where residents engage in agriculture. These areas provide essential resources to the town, including crops, orchards, and pastures.


Asset TypeDescription
Marketplace Treasures - Jewelry stalls with exquisite pieces.
  • Tailor's emporium offering clothing and fabrics.
  • Smithy forge producing metalwork.
  • Herbal apothecary with potions and herbs.
  • Artisan's atelier for paintings and pottery.
  • Agricultural Resources - Abundant farmlands with wheat, barley, and more.
  • Orchards producing apples and pears.
  • Livestock farms providing meat and dairy products.
  • Magitech Inventions - Magelight street lamps for illumination.
  • Communication crystals enabling long-distance contact.
  • Library Resources - Ancient scrolls, historical texts, and educational materials in the public library.
    Religious Artifacts - Sacred relics, idols, and blessed artwork in the temple or shrine.
    Trade Commodities - Quality textiles, pottery, and metalwork ready for export.
    Guard Equipment - Basic arms and armor for the local militia or guard force.
    Healing Supplies - Herbal remedies and medical equipment at the clinic or hospital.
    Educational Materials - Textbooks and writing supplies in the school or academy.
    Store NameDistrictType of Store
    The Enchanted Emporium  Marketplace District Magic Supplies and Curiosities
    The Gilded Goblet  Marketplace District Fine Dining and Tavern
    Whispering Woods Apothecary  Marketplace District Potions and Mystical Herbs
    The Woodworker's Guild  Craftsmen's Quarter Fine Woodworking and Carpentry
    The Curious Oddities  Marketplace District Antique and Curio Shop
    The Mystic Scroll  Educational Precinct Scroll and Scrollwork Shop
    The Blessed Blossom  Clerical Enclave Floral Arrangements and Herbs
    The Glittering Gemstone  Marketplace District Gemstone and Precious Metal Shop
    The Farmer's Friend  Outskirts and Farmlands Farming Tools and Equipment
    The Musician's Melody  Marketplace District Musical Instruments and Sheet Music
    The Rusty Anvil  Craftsmen's Quarter Armor and Weapon Smithy
    Founding Date
    Inhabitant Demonym
    Included Locations
    Additional Rulers/Owners
    Ruling/Owning Rank
    Owning Organization
    Characters in Location
    Related Reports (Primary)

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