Cliff Racer


Cliff racers are bird-like creatures that infest the skies of rocky lands. They have wingspans of around six feet, a vertical sail along their spines, and a whip-like tail. A flock of cliff racers can number from three to several dozen. Flying high, they survey the landscape for creatures to harass. Once a target is spotted, they swoop down and attack with their beaks as they issue gobble-like cries. They are very aggressive and prone to attacking creatures much larger than themselves. Nothing is safe from them, including travelers, caravans, and even cities. They can be particularly dangerous as they are known for spreading diseases.  

Meta Info and Properties

  Not much to say when it comes to specifically the Cliff Racer, I would use the stats of a Tatzlwyrm with these changes. No poison gasp or climb speed, add a 50 foot fly speed with average manuverability, keep the bite and claws the same but remove the rake ability, drop int to 2 and remove the draconic language understanding.